Isthana Ro

Isthana Ro is the guild master of the Rogue's Guild in Hillsfar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in the streets of Hillsfar armed with her nimble feet and quick wits se was able to survive the streets. One day she met a boy who would follow her around, the son of a baker. G is what she called him, as they became friends.   In 1483 she joined the Thieve's Guild, and would take on jobs for them, her dedication and whip smart allowed her to get noticed by the higher ups in the Guild. G would help her with some jobs here and there. The both of them created a reputation of being able to transport goods in and out of the city.   1484 Isthana had risen within the ranks of her guild and she left G to continue the smuggling. She had a goal in mind and no one was going to stop her. It was her particular set of skills that propelled her carrer within the guild. Under her guidance the guild became more efficient and soon everyone know her name. "If you need a plan that doesn't get you caught, talk to Isthana"   In 1488 her friend G was caught and branded, she blames Furtwain Coinpinch for that fiasco. Furtwain never considers all the possibilities. It is why she banned him from Hillsfar, too many incidents in which Furtwain got someone else caught.   With the new Law of Humanity in full effect, Isthana has noticed that profits have been declining. This is in part due to the fact that the Red Plumes are little more than rufians, and they're squeezing Hillsfar dry. Some of the places that the Guild use to protect have now told her that the Red Plumes have come knocking. Instead of active war on the streets, he decided that working with The Harpers to overthrow Torin Nomerthal is a better plan.


Grew up on the streets, but her childhood friend taught her to read and write.

Isthana is very smart and cares only about her guild. However, she also has amazingly acute business sense and the ability to think ahead.

Character Location
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Thieves' C'ant


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