Session 2: Investigating the Madman's Prophecy Report

General Summary

1st of Mirtul, 1489. Morning. Evlentree.   The group tavels to the Farbough Farms the closest place connected to the @Madman's Prophecy. The arrive on the 2nd of Mirtul, 1489 in the afternoon.   There they met the Farboughs, their 12 adopted children (all non-human) and their 6 newborn kids (all with 6 fingered hands and 6 toed feet).   They were tasked with helping Jovee (a goat) with her labor, McSteel and Lyari stayed to help with the goat. Meanwhile Panamon and Paris went looking for Pynroth. Jovee gave birth to six kids, all with a red coat, and one of them with two heads.   Looking for Pynroth, a Tiefling boy and one of the adopted children, they met Beralt Eneco (half-elf, druid in training), who was defending Pynroth from some wild dogs. Beralt Eneco talked to them about the Emerald Enclave. The party asked Beralt Eneco to acompany them back to the farm to see what was going on there. As they arrived to the farm, the two-headed goat was attacking Verner (a Halfling boy and another of the adopted children). They fought the goat off, and subdued it.   Beralt Eneco took notes to report to the Emeral Enclave. Later that night the party invetigated the farm, they where able to conclude that there's some demonic influence in the area, but they will need more clues to draw a conclusion.   The next morning they left the farm guided by Lyari's exeptional survival skills, and reached The Abandoned Temple of Waukeen. Where they found two men dressed as peasants, but concealing scimitars, working the cemetery grounds with a couple of zombie rothé. They quickly dispatched of them, keeping one of the men alive.

Rewards Granted

1 Potion of Healling.

Missions/Quests Completed

En Medias Res (Madman's Prophecy)

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

The Tainted Goats
The Shadow King Chronicles Campaign
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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