The Madman's Prophecy

Dirty, emaciated, and obviously mad, his ranting at first seemed like the gibberish of a shattered mind. But as the man died at your feet, something about his words struck a chord. They seemed more prophecy than prattle.  
There is a message from this land's new master, but it is hidden five-fold.

The first is at the place where dandelions rise above and cover the people. The virile and the virulent can be one and the same. The hell-tinged one is lost, and then several are found.

The second runs red with the blood of roots, where an heiress lies and hides her pain in long wooden boxes. She hides more than that though, but only to keep what is hers.

The third is at the spring of blessed life, where the haunters protect and the protectors haunt. The water runs on, of course, and must be freed for all.

The fourth holds the great thundering beasts, but the beasts are gone, to give way to a greater thundering beast with death in its eyes. They await at a place of ancient elven evil.

The fifth lies where the ancients lie beneath night's marble, forgotten but not gone. The lost wealth of a forgotten time pays terrible dividends now.


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