The Waydown

About a half-day's travel from Hillsfar is a hundred-foot-wide sinkhole caused by rainfall and geographical anomalies. Called the Waydown by locals, this sinkhole raised alarms among surface dwellers after soggy horrors began creeping up from its subterranean depths. To ally fears of inhuman invasion, the First Lord of Hillsfar recently ordered a Garrison built around the Waydown to secure it.


Half-day's travel from Hillsfar.

Localized Phenomena

Sinkhole that opens to the Underdark


On 1488 First Lord Torin Nomerthal ordered Vuhm Yestral (a commander of the Red Plumes) to secure the area around the sinkhole after some horrors clawed their way out of the hole. Vuhm Yestral beging an efficient commander was able to complete a garrison within 12 months securing the sinkhole.   On 1489 Vuhm Yestral was replaced by Captain Maggarl Helck.
Alternative Name(s)
The sinkhole


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