
The Zhentarim, previously known as the Black Network, is a mercenary company, and greater mercantile organization in Faerûn, who, over their 200 years of existence, has had a storied history as a cadre of self-serving thieves, spies, assassins and malevolent wizards, who for a time, were indentured by their leaders to serve dark gods Bane and Cyric. Over the decades, the organization experienced several leaps and bounds in terms of successes, but also major misfortune, particularly for their historical strongholds around the Moonsea. As of 1489 DR the Zhentarim is headquartered in the Western Heartlands, at Darkhold Castle, nestled in the valley of the same name.


From the early years of the organization until 1369 DR, a few years prior the resurrection of Bane, the Zhentarim's was ruled by the triumvirate of Manshoon, the ultimate authority and Lord of Zhentil Keep, Sememmon, his arcane student who presided over Darkhold, and Fzoul Chembryl, the High Priest of Bane. The Zhentarim was rife with mistrust, even amongst its upper echelons. While Manshoon had a bond of trust with his pupil Sememmon, his relationship with Fzoul was one of mutual disdain shrouded by public respect. While the three shared the same goal of increasing their collective wealth and power, it was at best an uneasy alliance that ultimately fell apart.  
  • Manshoon: In addition to his role as the ultimate authority of the Zhentarim, Manshoon held the title of High Lord of Zhentil Keep, speaker of the city-state's Council of Lords and had the full backing of the Zhentilar army. He kept close control over the Moonsea Zhentarim, and controlled the other city states such as Hillsfar, the Citadel of the Raven and even Mulmaster, either through manipulation of their leadership or outright force. Prior to the partial destruction of Zhentil Keep, Manshoon moved his operations over to the Citadel, avoiding the chaos brought on by the Cyricists following the Banedeath.
  • Sememmon: The obedient and skillful lieutenant of Manshoon long served as the Lord of Darkhold and unfailingly loyal servant of the Zhentarim. Due to its distance from Manshoon and the Moonsea Zhentarim, the mage-lord only recruited the most loyal and capable agents, about 1000 strong, to the dark keep hidden within the Far Hills. Sememmon's second-in-command was the powerful mage Ashemmi, a former Harper, his consort and true love.
  • Fzoul Chembryl: Before he became the exarch of Bane following the Spellplague, the faithful servant Fzoul served as the Dark God's chosen, and the High Priest of his clergy at the Black Altar in Zhentil Keep.
  After 1370 DR, the Black Network followed a strict linear hierarchy with Fzoul Chembryl serving as the Zhentarim's Grand Tyrant. Only the powerful lords would report directly to him, while lesser officers and agents would only report to their immediate superiors. There were a number of changes within the hierarchy of the Zhentarim. Sememmon exiled himself from Darkhold and many devout followers of Cyric were ousted upon the return of Bane.   The only exception to the inherent power structure of the Zhentarim was Manshoon. While he allowed Fzoul to act as the supreme leader of the Zhentarim, he maintained command over any of its agents or resources to further its goals or his own endeavors.  


  With the Pereghost taking over as leader of the Zhentarim, the organization as a whole has tramsitioned from a conquering force into a mercenary army that serves others.

Public Agenda

To be the go to hired muscle in the realms


The Zhentarim was founded in 1261 DR by the power-hungry wizard Manshoon, the lord of Zhentil Keep, as tool for his ambitions of expanding his realm of control. He was soon joined by the Baneite cleric Fzoul Chembryl, in 1263 DR, who broke away from the orthodox church in Mulmaster, bringing with him a small army of his fellow priests into the lesser ranks of the Zhentarim. He then disposed of the high-ranking priests within Zhentil Keep and converted the city's lesser clergy to the worship of Bane. Paranoid even in the early years of their alliance, Manshoon offset the possible threat of Fzoul's influence by concocting a plan with the beholder Xantriph. They had the Banite priests confess their sins and swear fealty to Manshoon alone. Xantriph's lair, the floating Temple in the Sky, became an outpost for Zhentilar troops and Banite priests in former Teshendale.   Manshoon planned on capturing the Citadel of the Raven during the first days of the Zhentarim, though they were not powerful enough as an organization to openly attack a city of the Moonsea. While it was openly discussed for years, many senior members of the Zhentarim advocated against assaulting the city, fearful of losing their investments that funded the Black Network. Putting that scheme on hold, they greatly strengthened their economic holdings during the Moonsea War of 1306 DR. The allied forces of Zhentil Keep, Hillsfar, Melvaunt, Phlan and Sembia united together to defeat the city-state of Mulmaster.  


  In 1312 DR, Manshoon seized the fortress of Darkhold from the Lich-Queen Varalla in order to extend his control into the Western Heartlands. Four years later they invaded and seized Teshendale in 1336 DR. With the Zhentarim's successes with the Darkhold, Teshendale and Hillsfar, they had the entire Tesh Valley and Voonlar under their influence. They then conquered and installed their own rulers in Daggerdale in 1336 DR. Manshoon consolidated his rule over all Zhent lands and declared himself the High Lord of Zhentil Keep the following year. These actions caused the nations of the Moonsea to begin to grow wary of the Zhentarim and Zhentil Keep.   Also that year, Manshoon granted the previously-occupied Yûlash their independence, and maneuvered this act of "good will" to call a meeting of the rulers of the Moonsea in the neutral town of Elmwood. He called for a garrison to be established at the Citadel of the Raven to protect the greater Moonsea from a horde of orcs that was stirring further north. He "graciously" offered to move the recently-evicted Zhentilar soldiers from Yûlash to the city, though this was merely part of a long-term scheme to take over the city.   The Zhentarim saw significant losses in the next few years when Jyordhan, puppet ruler of Shadowdale, was assassinated by Khelben Arunsun, Xantriph was killed by the Knights of Myth Drannor and Malyk, the puppet ruler of Daggerdale, was killed by Randal Morn, leading to all-out civil war.   Despite their losses, the time was right in 1355 DR for the Zhentarim strike against their former allies in the Citadel of the Raven. They had their agents planted within the city kill as many as they could, using poison and magic. The orcs and Zhentilar poured into the city and claimed it for the Zhentarim. One of the few survivors within the Citadel was the mortally-wounded Galauntar Hawkhelm, whose eventual death would lead to the formation of the Knights of the North. He installed Kandar Milinal as the ruler of the city. This eventually led to civil war in the Zhent city of Yûlash.  


  During the Time of Troubles, Bane arrived in the Black Altar, he ordered his devoted priest Fzoul Chembryl and Manshoon's apprentice Sememmon to work together, much to their mutual displeasure, in an assault of Twisted Tower of Ashaba in Shadowdale so that he could enter Morningdawn Hall. After the destruction of the Dark God's avatar, the newly-ascended deity Cyric, who took on his divine portfolio, became the focus of worship for a great number of the members of the Zhentarim. Fzoul Chembryl and a few others maintained their faith, while some others converted to the veneration of Iyachtu Xvim, Bane's divine son.   In the Year of the Turret, 1360 DR, the Zhentarim began their campaign to take control of a trade route that would cross through the desert of Anauroch. They were initially rebuffed by the unified tribes of the Bedine, aided by the Harper agent Lander and an exiled sorceress known as Ruha. The conflict between the opposing faiths embedded within the Zhentarim culminated in an event known as the Banedeath which began on Marpenoth 30, 1361 DR. Xeno Mirrormane, began a purge of all the remaining Banites within Zhentil Keep, eventually killing his brother and sparing none except for Fzoul Chembryl, due to his "special relationship" with Cyric. While the aid of the church of Cyric allowed Zhentil Keep to grow in power over the next few years, Manshoon realized that Cyric was no replacement for the calculating cunning and patience of Bane.   In a period of six months in 1366 DR, Manshoon quietly and discreetly shifted resources and personnel from Zhentil Keep to the Citadel of the Raven, distrustful of the impulsive Cyric and his inept clergy members. Fzoul Chembryl saw these actions and remained neutral, still bitter from his loss of influence as the High Priest of Bane.  


  Cyric was eventually undermined by a divine conspiracy involving High Lord Fzoul. The larger northern half of Zhentil Keep was left in ruins as a result. Some 1,500 Zhentilar and Zhentarim, many of whom were high-ranking officers, and all the orc troops fled the city. Fzoul and Lord Orgauth defeated Manshoon and Sememmon, killing Manshoon in 1370 DR.  

Manshoon Wars

  Manshoon lived on through clone bodies. Of these, one returned to the Zhentarim, conceded all leadership to Fzoul, and worked as an agent. When Bane was resurrected in 1372 DR, Fzoul became an expansionist, but was threatened by the reemergence of Myth Drannor. His paranoia lead him to attack Myth Drannor and Shadowdale, which he temporarily controlled. A Zhent named Karne attempted to take over the Onyx Tower, but the plan ultimately failed. Fzoul engaged in a hopeless alliance with the phaerimm, which enraged the Shadovar. The Netherese destroyed Zhentil Keep and the Citadel of the Raven, killing both Fzoul and the final clone of Manshoon, leaving only Darkhold left.  

Recent History

  The Zhentarim was again taken over by the forces of Cyric, who engaged in battle with the forces of Bane. In 1420 DR, an evil mage named Rezlus took over the Banites and attempted to conquer Daggerdale. He failed and the Banites fell with only the forces of Cyric remaining. Under the leadership of Pereghost, the Zhentarim have transitioned from a conquering force into a mercenary army that serves others. The Zhentarim are said to have greater numbers now than ever before with a reputation for service unlike any time in their history.
Founding Date
1261 DR
Military, Army
Alternative Names
Black Network


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