Dagult Neverember

Lord Neverember Dagult Neverember

Though the years seem to weigh on the greying man, his intellect and power are still easily discernible. In his many years in office, he managed to rebuild much of Neverwinters former glory. Neverember is a broad shouldered man with deep-set dark eyes though his

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His age is showing, his posture slumping and his hair greying. He is very conscious on the loss of his lush brown hair and will take no insult regarding it. Though he might look old on a first glance, his deep brown, almost black eyes still have a stern look, clearly showing his intelligence. The years of ruling have left him with an aura of authority.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Growing up in one of the last noble families that were lucky to not be in Neverwinter when Mount Hotenow erupted, Dagults father decided that it was their chance to seize power. He managed to oversee much of the rebuilding of Neverwinters crucial infrastructure. He then rebuilt the political structure of Neverwinter as Lord Protector and used his ties to many of the rulers in the Lords' Alliance. When Dagult came of age, his father declared him to be the first Lord Protector of Neverwinter.


Dagult enjoyed private tutors and was instructed in politics and history. He showed a strong interest in the art of fighting, which has led to him leading many skirmishes in the frontline.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Through his rule of Neverwinter the focus was set on rebuilding the harbor to reestablish trade, in his late years his focus shifted, having achieved his former goal but reaching a point where trade would only grow from Neverwinter providing their own trade goods. This has led him to grant many settlement funds, reclaiming the run down miner towns as well as fishing villages and other outposts.

Failures & Embarrassments

Through his jealousy of Waterdeeps superiority in size as well as wealth over Neverwinter, Neverember neglected the safety of the High Road, leading to many creatures claiming the surrounding area and making trade by land difficult.

Morality & Philosophy

Fierce leader, believes in the greater good though would not sacrifice for it himself, though he often forces others to do so.

Personality Characteristics


Dagult Neverember worked hard for returning Neverwinters glory to be once more the 'Jewel of the North'. He seeks the power that comes with leading a great city.


Religious Views

As long as religion does not get in his way he tolerates it.

Wealth & Financial state

As Lord of Neverwinter, he manages the wealth of the city and the settlements that are tied to it. His personal wealth includes a grand sword, a family heirloom as well as a manor outside of Neverwinter though he seldom visits there.
Lawful Good to Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Protector of Neverwinter
Year of Birth
1446 DR 55 Years old
Current Residence
Dark brown, almost black
pumpkin brown turning grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish and Elvish


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