
This city was badly damaged when Mount Hotenow erupted some fifty years ago. Now, the City of Skilled Hands works to rebuild under the watchful eye of its Lord Protector, Dagult Neverember, who rules in the absence of an heir to Neverwinter’s crown. At present, no legitimate heirs to the old Alagondar royal line are known to exist, and many believe that the line is ended. Lord Neverember, taking no chances, quietly pays off or disposes of anyone claiming a connection to the rulers of old.


Diverse people live here, from tieflings to elves, half-orcs and duregar. Even the occasional Aarakocra and Goliaths can be seen here. Though once prosperous, after the eruption of Mount Hotenow the people find themselves still in rebuilding the city with trade only slowly restarting, starting the wealth to grow in some places. Others still find themselves living out in the open, struggling to make their living.


Lord Protector, Dagult Neverember, rules in the absence of an heir to Neverwinter’s crown. At present, no legitimate heirs to the old Alagondar royal line are known to exist, and many believe that the line is ended. Dagult Neverember, taking no chances, quietly pays off or disposes of anyone claiming a connection to the rulers of old.   As part of the Lords' alliance trade is fairly safe, though the current situation doesn't allow for securing far parts. The high road is the only safe path through these lands. Lord Neverember intends to send settlers to reclaim old settlements allowing them to somewhat sovereignly act there.   The Lord Protector holds court sessions with representatives of various factions, called the Flakes.


The city watch of Neverwinter is constantly searching for new recruits leading to much bribery and abuse of power.

Industry & Trade

The city used to be a great trading post. Lord Neverember spent the early years of his career rebuilding the harbour. Now he hopes to return the guilds to their former glory by funding settlements in resource-rich areas to provide them with the base materials at a fair price.

Guilds and Factions

The various guilds play a big role in Neverwinters ecosystem. While smaller guilds struggle to defend their interest, the large guilds enjoy a seat in Neverwinters council 'Flakes of Neverwinter'.
The guilds keep a hard hand around the commerce in Neverwinter. This is the reason why no shop can operate without the merchants gulids approval. If someone tried to do so, they would quickly find that their prices are steeply undercut until they are out of business or that an accident happens to their business.


After the eruption of Mount Hotenow, the once great trade city was almost entirely destroyed. After that Eldric Neverember who just came back from a negotiation of prize in Waterdeep, found the city in near ruin. He took the lead in building up the city and when his son came of age some ten years later, he proclaimed him the Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Since then Lord Neverember restored much of the trade that once made Neverwinter the Jewel of the North. In recent years he has made efforts to expand the production of Neverwinter by reassuring control over important ressources in the surrounding area.


Once filled with marbled streets, the city now mostly consists of temporary buildings with no great detail. Those who can afford it

Natural Resources

The Neverwinter wood provides for a diversity in wood and the Sword Mountains provide metal and gems.


  • Neverwinter
Alternative Name(s)
City of Skilled Hands; Jewel of the North
Some thousands
Inhabitant Demonym
Neveren or Neverwintian
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