Dragon's Barrow

A thirty-foot-high hill rises ahead of you, its top too flat to be a natural occurrence. Jutting from the grassy hilltop is a row of ten-foot-tall, bone-white rocks that arc toward the stormy sky like outstretched talons.
  The barrow is roughly 40 miles northwest of Phandalin, amid the rolling hills and grasslands between the High Road and Neverwinter Wood.   At night, the will-o’-wisps (in area D2) emerge from the hill using their Incorporeal Movement and float above the barrow, hoping to attract prey with their lights. If they detect characters nearby, the will-o’-wisps turn invisible and withdraw into the barrow.

D1. Secret Entrance

  One of the white rocks atop the hill acts as a stone plug embedded in the earth. Characters searching the hilltop can spot a opening beneath the base of the rock with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. By lashing ropes around the top of the rock, the characters can topple it with a successful DC 19 Strength (Athletics) check. A knock spell also causes it to topple over. The opening beneath the rock reveals a 2-foot-wide spiral staircase with flagstone steps, descending 30 feet to area D2.  

D2. Will-o’-Wisps

  The tunnels around the spiral staircase are haunted by three will-o’-wisps. The wisps are invisible until they hear intruders coming down the stairs, whereupon they illuminate and move to the far side of the three concealed pit traps (area D3), hoping to lure intruders to their doom. Each wisp has its own pit and attacks any character who falls into it. A wisp reduced to 7 hit points or fewer turns invisible on its next turn and flees to hide until the characters leave the barrow.  

D3. Concealed Pit Traps

  Each of these pits is 5 feet wide, 10 feet deep, and dug out of the earth. Rows of rusty swords are embedded into the floor of each pit, whose tops are covered by rotted wooden planks hidden under a thin layer of earth. A creature using a pole or similar tool to prod ahead detects the pit with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check.     Any creature that steps onto a pit falls into it, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage and impaling itself on 1d4 swords, each of which deals 1d6 piercing damage.  

D4. Skeletal Surprise

  The bones and rotting saddle of Lady Alagondar’s horse lie in the southern niche of this cavern. When a creature approaches within 5 feet of the bones, they knit together and rise as a skeletal horse. This steed has the statistics of a riding horse, except that it’s undead. It bonds with any character who wants to ride it.  

D5. Narrow Tunnel

  This tunnel is only 2 feet wide. At the halfway point, a 5-foot-long pressure plate is hidden under a 2-inch-thick layer of earth. A character prodding ahead with a pole or similar tool can detect the plate with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check. The first character to step on the plate causes the walls of the tunnel to collapse inward, burying all creatures in the tunnel. A buried creature is blinded and restrained, has total cover against attacks, and begins to suffocate when it runs out of breath (see “Suffocation” in the rulebook). Only a creature that is not trapped in the tunnel can clear away the collapse, using an action to open up the 5-foot-deep section of tunnel closest to it. A creature in that space is no longer buried.  

D6. False Tomb

  Two sealed stone sarcophagi rest in alcoves dug into the south wall here. Each sarcophagus releases a cloud of corrosive dust when opened, filling the 10-foot-by-10-foot area north of the sarcophagus. Any creature in the area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The cloud then disappears. The sarcophagi contain nothing of interest.  

D7. Adventurers’ Sepulcher

  Four sarcophagi in alcoves contain the moldy bones of adventurers (a bard, a cleric, a fighter, and a wizard) who perished fighting Azdraka.   Treasure. The northwest sarcophagus contains the dead bard, who was buried with a lute of illusions. Sealed with the dead wizard in the southeast sarcophagus is a necklace of fireballs. If the characters acquire and identify these magic items, give them the Lute of Illusions and Necklace of Fireballs cards or they can reference them in the Magic Items Listing.  

D8. Dragon Slayer

  Two sarcophagi in alcoves contain the moldy bones and rusty armor of Tanamere Alagondar and her faithful squire, but hold nothing of value. The area north of the sarcophagi has the bones of Azdraka, a Huge dragon, embedded in its walls. The dragon’s skull rests on the floor and has a longsword set atop it.   Treasure. The sword is Lady Alagondar’s dragon slayer. Give the Dragon Slayer card to whoever takes it or they can reference it in the Magic Items Listing. If the sword is taken, an invisible stalker appears and attacks anyone in this area until the sword is put back, or until that guardian is destroyed.


  • Dragon Barrow


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