Azdrakas Terror

Military action


Azdraka the green dragon terrorized the people of the Sword Coast North. He lived in the Neverwinter wood and was finally slain by Lady Alagondar near Neverwinter.

Two years did the green dragon named Azdraka terrorize the area around the Neverwinter Woods. His cunningness led many inhabitants of this area to their doom. During these two years the Neverwinter Wood was engulfed in a fog and rarely did someone that wandered there return.
Often walking in human form among the citizens of Neverwinter, Azdraka sowed mistrust and fear in the minds of the Neverinterians. Even in politics, he created many conflicts, almost leading to the disbandment of the Lords Alliance.
A young paladin noble named Lady Tanamere Alagondar pledged to the temple of Tymora took it upon her to defeat this threat, gathering a great army of champions to slay the fell beast. She marched in front of a great army consisting of hundreds of all kind of humanoids towards the Neverwinter Woods where she meant to challenge Azdraka. Feeling bored without a matching foe for so long, the dragon took up the challenge and met them just outside of the Neverwinter Woods. There the battle raged for many hours while many good fighters fell to the claws, maw and breath of Azdraka.
In a final fight, Lady Alagondar faced the dragon, now bound to the earth through means of magic, on a small barrow. After a fierce fight, she saw herself lonesome on top of the hill, her honour guard slain along with many champions. Sending a prayer to her deity she charged at the dragon dealing many threatening blows to Azdraka. The dragon opened his mouth and let out a mighty bellow, he snatched for the paladin tearing open a blow. Through Tymora's luck the Lady managed, in a final strike, to pierce through the dragon's scale and cut up right through it's heart.
Many claim that in this instance the dragon's soul was encapsulated in the sword that was crafted entirely for this purpose. The few who returned from this fight reported having seen a light coming from the sword, just after the death of Azdraka.
The body of Azdraka was left where they died, few sources claim that catacombs were constructed beneath the dragon. Over the years nature claimed the dragons body, changing the shape of the small hill to resemble the terror that once roamed this land. Though this history is not often heard anymore, sources claim that still the sword is hidden there in this small barrow beside the road, infused with the soul of a dragon.

Related Location
Dragon's Barrow
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