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The Blacklands

The Blacklands is a desolate and forbidding region located in the heart of the old Elven mage settlement called Blazekeep. The ground is coated in a thick layer of ash and the sky is perpetually shrouded in a choking haze of smoke and dust. The Blacklands was created as a result of a catastrophic eruption caused by experiments with the fire plane, which opened a rift that unleashed a torrent of flames and molten rock onto the surrounding landscape. This event has been called The Blacklands Eruption.   Today, the Blacklands is a place of eerie silence, broken only by the occasional sound of creaking trees or the distant roar of twisted monsters. The once-lush forest that surrounded the old Elven mage settlement is now a twisted and gnarled wasteland, where the few surviving trees stand like blackened sentinels against the barren landscape. The creatures that roam the Blacklands have been twisted and deformed by the infernal energies that still course through the area, and are now as likely to be composed of living flames as they are flesh and bone. Despite its bleak and unforgiving nature, the Blacklands remains a place of fascination and wonder for some, drawing adventurers and scholars alike to explore its dangerous and mysterious depths.

Creatures of the Blacklands

Emberwing Phoenix


Spark Pixies

Magma Bear

A bear formed of obsidian and molten magma. In order to reinforce their rock-like skin, these creatures seek out puddles of water in the Blacklands and immerse themselves underneath, boiling the body of water until it completely evaporates. This process turns more of their magma into obsidian making them more sturdy, but also temporarily making them less flexible.
Characters in Location
The Blacklands Eruption
Generic article | Mar 5, 2023

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