Michael Snowfield Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Michael Snowfield

Michael Snowfield is high elf that worked for Neverwinter Academy. One day he was accidentally doused with a potion that turned him. The professors proposed that he would be sent of to the Spine of the World to recuperate.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
23 Hammer, 1468 DR
Year of Birth
1468 25 Years old
green pupil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs

Articles under Michael Snowfield

Speakers And Squids?

The head of the Speaker council and Speaker of Bryn Shynder is Duvessa Shane. She is relatively young. Along her is Markham Southwell her guard. Trovus - Speaker of the Caer Konig Edgra Durmoot - Older human Dougan's Hole Nimsby - Lonelywood Naerth Maxildanarr - Targos Oarus Masthew - Termalaine Good Mead Caer Dineval Dorbulgruf Shalescar - Bremen   Crenshinibon Akar Kessel Crystal Tower that harness power of sun   Akar Kessel was defeated by Drizzt Xardorok Sunblight their own god. No answer to Ship sunk some months ago with no survivors (Wizards involve) Karkogolog Remember of the Arcane Brotherhood Wizard   300 6*100 piece   100 gp from each of the six smaller towns, and 300 gp each from Bryn Shander, Easthaven, Targos, and Termalaine. Should be our town be destroyed Paid   Stronghold is in the Spine of the World Veld's family Reghed Tribe Telvaster Hangingbell - Psychic   Veld 407  

An whole new day?

Dwayne Lowshade .   Found the lantern   Broken Pieces of Glass Chardalyn pieces two notes “Tiefling wizard in Caer-Dineval. Arcane Brotherhood? Tell druid’s beasts.” "Brother, You will find me on the frozen ferry in Easthaven. From this new base, the search for chardalyn continues. Long may our father reign over this dark land! Durth"   Brojk Urthhild Ruvik Skorn Klaska, Ossyl, Jardrik, Dhutatum, and Zublorr   5 gp 1 sp 4 cp each except for Veld and Martok 14 sp 6 cp each except for Veld and Martok   Speaker meeting on the 6th

Burnt to Crisp
28th Hammer 1493

DO NOT EAT ETHER   Mccreedus   Made the Summer   Fallen Spire   Magical Wonder of Netheril Netherese   Find Mythallar Used to end the Rime for the Entire area   Lathander   Tell Copper he is sorry and he is right

Caverns, Cauldrons and Crooks?
24th Hammer 1493

We took two boats to caverns We found 1 empty boat 2 Harpies ambushed us.   We cleared the caverns   We returned to the Townhall to negotiate with the speaker for the Cauldrons Errtuk Balor   On the night were guarding the stuff.

The Call
23 Hammer 1493

After dealing with the crazy people, Bhur offered to hid their Chardalyn weapons in his ring.   On our way back I've been hearing Deepspeech. I   I heard the voice in Deep Speech. “Nautiloid down. Emergency protocols enabled. Crew safe, but vessel imperiled. Psi crystal needed. Come at once.”   Serafin papa is not real Serafin Papa. Serafin Papa been protecting Serafin.   Serafin is a member of Clan Alagondar   Lord Dagult Neverember claimed lineage from one of Alagondar named himself Lord Protector of Neverwinter. Serafin Alagondar is on the run to keep safe from her right as. Assassin was sent down to find Serafin. Middle age human, shaved head hook on the right hand. Lady Protector of Neverwinter.   Wet Trought   Yeenoghu   No way to propogate. No Hyenas eating leader is normal if there was a big problem. Symbol of Sailing company?

Land of Ice, Giants and Mad men
21 of Hammer 1493

We were able successfully hide from a mammoth riding a Giant. Galanodel described to me a mammoth as a giant goat with a tentacle as a nose with no horns. We were able to find the Cackling Chasm We entered the chasm and found a pouch with coin and A ripped piece of cloth sail with a symbol you don’t recognize. Veld was talking to some one and told us to further into the chasm. A Gnoll came out and acknowledged us. Another Gnoll came out and attack Veld. Veld threw the Gnoll over the chasm and we peppered it from up above. We proceeded to let the Gnolls borrow the rope. We killed the crazed man in the cage. We traded the Obsidian Javelin for all the meat we have.   We were attacked by human looking things that was crazy frostbitten and cat crags. Detect Magic

Cackling Chasm
18th of Hammer 1493

Available Quests Haunted Cabin North of Lonelywood Find Netherese Ruins for Treasure, Find the missing Fishermen, Easthaven Find the missing Stuff, Caer-Konig   Waiting Invoice Bryn Shander - Turn Selphek Kaltro's head for reward Targos - Return for Food   3 Days Journey to the Cackling Chasm   Serafin return back home No trade due to frozen lake. Couple of missing people   We started to trek down south east towards the Cackling Chasm. We were exhausted on travel on the first day. I found a big hare and I secured it as our provision. Veld cooked it for us in his pot. We ate some kind of big hare stew. Natali asked me about my past. If I had seen the Aurora like see it today. To tell you the truth, I had a hard time remembering my past. Dreams go in and out of my mind and I don't know which is real and which isn't. I might be in the cold for too long.   We have been traveling for 2 days so far and the wind is picking up and there is a storm brewing. We have potato stew on the second day.   On the night of the 2nd day we saw an Reindeer with Glowing antlers. I spoke to it telepathically and found out it could speak. We moved close toward this pine tree to investigate them and we were ambushed. A frost druid was in the tree that was taking form of an owl. We were bamboozled. We eliminated them like we did to all Ghaiks. KILL ALL GHAIKS. On our way back to camp we lost Veld. Fortunately, we were able to regroup. We ate meat of those traitorous Reindeers.   Note to self Do not go outside the Blizzard   Third day The morning was clear but it seemed that we are in the eye of the blizzard. It wasn't long before we hit the blizzard again. In the middle the blizzard we met 4 Goliaths who offered to do a competition. Rolling a Boulder . They won. They are making a path for us toward the Cackling Chasm The 4 Goliaths came from the Thuunlakalaga Clan from Wyrmdoom Crag. Goliaths: Lumberhand Fearless Aid Tree Friend Wonder Watcher   Veld claims that their clan are traitors. Their competitive but amiable demeaner make me doubt him. I will not trust these Goliaths any further that I have to under this blizzard. We saw Frost Giants.