Michael Snowfield | World Anvil

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Michael Snowfield

Michael Snowfield is high elf that worked for Neverwinter Academy. One day he was accidentally doused with a potion that turned him. The professors proposed that he would be sent of to the Spine of the World to recuperate.

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Fri 16th Jul 2021 05:35

Speakers And Squids?

by Michael Snowfield

The head of the Speaker council and Speaker of Bryn Shynder is Duvessa Shane. She is relatively young. Along her is Markham Southwell her guard.
Trovus - Speaker of the Caer Konig
Edgra Durmoot - Older human Dougan's Hole
Nimsby - Lonelywood
Naerth Maxildanarr - Targos
Oarus Masthew - Termalaine
Good Mead
Caer Dineval
Dorbulgruf Shalescar - Bremen
Akar Kessel
Crystal Tower that harness power of sun
Akar Kessel was defeated by Drizzt
Xardorok Sunblight their own god.
No answer to
Ship sunk some months ago with no survivors (Wizards involve)
Remember of the Arcane Brotherhood
6*100 piece
100 gp from each of the six smaller towns, and 300 gp each from Bryn Shander, Easthaven, Targos, and Termalaine.
Should be our town be destroyed
Stronghold is in the Spine of the World
Veld's family
Reghed Tribe
Telvaster Hangingbell - Psychic

Michael's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Cackling Chasm
    18th of Hammer 1493
  2. Land of Ice, Giants and Mad men
    21 of Hammer 1493
  3. The Call
    23 Hammer 1493
  4. Caverns, Cauldrons and Crooks?
    24th Hammer 1493
  5. Burnt to Crisp
    28th Hammer 1493
  6. An whole new day?
    09 Jul 2021 04:41:35
  7. Speakers And Squids?
    16 Jul 2021 05:35:35

The major events and journals in Michael's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 28

04:40 am - 20.08.2021

Session 28

12:22 am - 20.08.2021

Session 27

10:34 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 27

10:34 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 26

10:33 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 26

10:33 pm - 19.08.2021

Session 25

03:43 am - 30.07.2021

Session 25

12:09 am - 30.07.2021

Session 24: Id Ascendent

05:23 am - 23.07.2021

Session 24: Id Ascendent

11:51 pm - 22.07.2021

Speakers And Squids?

The head of the Speaker council and Speaker of Bryn Shynder is Duvessa Shane. She is relatively young. Along her is Markham Southwell her guard. Trovus - Speaker of the Caer Konig Edgra Durmoot - Older human Dougan's Hole Nimsby - Lonelywood Naerth M...

05:35 am - 16.07.2021

Session 23

05:05 am - 16.07.2021

Session 23

11:42 pm - 15.07.2021

Session 22

04:52 am - 09.07.2021

Session 22

12:09 am - 09.07.2021

Session 21

11:03 pm - 08.07.2021

Session 21

11:03 pm - 08.07.2021

Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings

11:13 pm - 01.07.2021

Session 20: Reunions, Goodbyes, and New Meetings

11:13 pm - 01.07.2021

An whole new day?

Dwayne Lowshade ...

12:02 am - 26.06.2021


DO NOT EAT ETHER Mccreedus Made the Summer Fallen Spire Magical Wonder of Netheril Netherese Find Mythilar Used to end the Rime for the Entire area Lathander Tell Copper he is sorry and he is right ...

05:42 am - 18.06.2021

Session 19

05:38 am - 18.06.2021

Session 19

11:39 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 18: Turning in Quests

11:08 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 18: Turning in Quests

11:08 pm - 17.06.2021

Session 17: TBD

05:02 am - 04.06.2021

Caverns, Cauldrons and Cooks?

We took two boats to caverns We found 1 empty boat 2 Harpies ambushed us. We cleared the caverns We returned to the Townhall to negotiate with the speaker for the Cauldrons Errtuk Balor ...

02:50 am - 04.06.2021

Session 17: TBD

12:07 am - 04.06.2021

Session 16: Toil and Trouble

10:11 pm - 03.06.2021

Session 16: Toil and Trouble

10:11 pm - 03.06.2021

Session 15

11:04 pm - 27.05.2021

Session 15

11:04 pm - 27.05.2021

The Call

After dealing with the crazy people, Bhur offered to hid their Chardalyn weapons in his ring. On our way back I've been hearing Deepspeech. I I heard the voice in Deep Speech. “Nautiloid down. Emergency protocols enabled. Crew safe, but vessel ...

02:59 am - 21.05.2021

Session 14: Cackling Chasm

10:49 pm - 20.05.2021

Session 14: Cackling Chasm

10:49 pm - 20.05.2021

Land of Giants

We were able successfully hide from a mammoth riding a Giant. Galanodel described to me a mammoth as a giant goat with a tentacle as a nose with no horns. We were able to find the Cackling Chasm We entered the chasm and found a pouch with coin and A rip...

06:26 am - 14.05.2021

Session 13: Encounters in the Snow

10:43 pm - 13.05.2021

Session 13: Encounters in the Snow

10:43 pm - 13.05.2021

Cackling Chasm

Available Quests Haunted Cabin North of Lonelywood Find Netherese Ruins for Treasure, Find the missing Fishermen, Easthaven Find the missing Stuff, Caer-Konig Waiting Invoice Bryn Shander - Turn Selphek Kaltro's head for reward Targos - Return ...

05:27 am - 07.05.2021

Session 12: Scattered Attentions

11:18 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 12: Scattered Attentions

11:18 pm - 06.05.2021

Session 11: The Mountain Climb

10:43 pm - 29.04.2021

Session 11: The Mountain Climb

10:43 pm - 29.04.2021

Session 10

10:35 pm - 22.04.2021

Session 10

10:35 pm - 22.04.2021

Session 9: TBD

05:34 am - 09.04.2021

Look how cute they are! # Chwingas #Lonelywoods


Session 9: TBD

12:05 am - 09.04.2021

Session 8: TBD

08:21 pm - 08.04.2021

Session 8: TBD

08:21 pm - 08.04.2021

Session 7: TBD

06:04 am - 26.03.2021

Session 7: TBD

12:02 am - 26.03.2021

Session 6: TBD

05:29 am - 19.03.2021

Session 6: TBD

12:37 am - 19.03.2021

Session 5: Elves, Sabretooth Tigers, and Polar Bears!

10:06 pm - 18.03.2021

Session 5: Elves, Sabretooth Tigers, and Polar Bears!

10:06 pm - 18.03.2021

Session 4: The White Moose

07:50 am - 05.03.2021

Session 4: The White Moose

07:50 am - 05.03.2021

I presented to the Team to dangers of the Ghaiks. Also presented them my genitals.


Sessdion 3: A Beautiful Mine

11:17 pm - 28.02.2021

Sessdion 3: A Beautiful Mine

11:17 pm - 28.02.2021

What's the deal with the mayor? He is hiding something from. How intriguing.


Session 2: Exploring Ten Towns

03:08 am - 20.02.2021

Session 2: Exploring Ten Towns

03:08 am - 20.02.2021

Like who is this Vellyne walking up to us? That gangly lanky looking ass humanoid next to him shieeeet


Fashionista needs work. Like OMG


The Valley Girl talk is not working.


Retar is most cutest thing ever!


I didn't see any Ghaiks today.

02:57 am - 18.02.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Michael.

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