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The ruling body of Sambar and Lantan is a Council of 12 called the Ayrorch.   At its head is the Grand Artificer, holding the title of Ayror. Tasked with being the speaker for the Council.   The Lantar, is the representative of the Council to the nations abroad   Both positions are elected from the council and are appointed for life.   The remainder of the council is called the Santar.   When a member of the Council passes away their replacement is selected by the remaining members of the council.   The Council is deeply divided into three factions.
  • Those that wish to keep things the way they are or who are otherwise unaligned.
  • Those that wish to export their technology in mass and create a large trade empire.
  • Those that want to keep the technology and art on Lanatan, and trade only enough to support their needs for food and raw material, or end trade altogether.
The Lantar the pro-trade group, and the Ayror is currently undecided.   Due to the nature of the council, 10 of the seats are traditionally held by a member of each city, with one being held for the Grand Artificer and one by the head of the Trade Guild. The Grand Artificer is not always the Ayror, but more often than not, this is the role they hold. The way it is structure the capital of Samber ends up with 3 seats.   Because the Council is self-selecting, in recent years accusations have begun to spread of nepotism and corruption.  

Current Members

Aggrevarian Azure
Position Name City Gender Race Guild Personality Motivation Stance On Trade Faction
Ayror - Grand Artificer Mangrim Furgers Sambar Male Gnome Alchemists, Enchanters & Gunsmiths Calculating, Cautious, Slow Change Longterm Prosperity for Lantan Neutral Unaffiliated
Lantar Aggrevarian Azure Sambar Male Human Traders, Inventors, & Instrument Makers Greedy, Calculating, Aggressive, Proud & Protective Creating and Expanding his own Merchantile Empire Controlled Increased Trade Pro-Trade
Santar Member Bromrig Bronzefury Sambar Male Dwarf Smiths, Metal Workers, & Farriers Intelligent, Stoic, Loyal- will follow the Ayror's lead in all things Ensuring the Ayror maintains his position and leadership-loyalty above all Neutral Unaffiliated
Santar Member Merben Swiftpitch Darluj Male Gnome Testiles, Sailmakers, Silk Weavers, Clothiers & Armorers Sneaky and Secretive, always looking to be in a greater man's shadow Follower of Aggrevarian, feels there is money to be made on the Sword Coast, but wants his secrets protected Controlled Increased Trade Pro-Trade
Santar Member Yophina Paplepople Anchoril Female Gnome Transportation, Shipwrights and Cart Makers Ambitious & Proud, believes that no one could do what had been done by the college in Anchoril Wants to be allowed to show off her flying ships everywhere, is tired of secrecy and having to hide the amazing inventions coming out of Anchoril- "For Gond's Sake." Usually sides with Aggrevarian in debates, but wants ZERO limits on trade Completely Open Trade Pro-Trade
Santar Member Brordam Terrenmore Illul Male Human Farmers, Fishermen,Ranchers, Bakers and Butchers Gruff and Unchanging Protecting his industries from outsiders (Hate the idea of imported food from the Sword Coast) Isolationist Anti-Trade
Santar Member Jola Timpol Tsan Female Gnome Jewlers, Glassblowers, & Fine Artist An eye for beautiful works appreciates performance as much as pieces of art. Would rather lose a beautiful game than win a brutal or ugly one. She is thrilled with the idea of an exchange of ideas between artists from around the world and thinks Lantan could be the hub of an artistic revolution Always looking for something new and beautiful that she and her guild can incorporate into their art. She truly loves the flair of items coming from Calisham. Completely Open Trade Pro-Trade
Santar Member Padrif Chisk Dtakkar Male Human Financiers, Bankers, and Money Lenders Frozen by fear and Apprehension, a worrier that is constantly bringing up the cost of the suggestions of his peers. Even a profitable venture has an opportunity cost- and he loves to calculate that and talk about it to no end. Fears losing money above all else, Opening up trade could cause inflation if the other nations chose to dump goods in Lantan, not expanding trade could end up with stagnation if the outside world ever catches up to Lantan, or even gets close to Lantanesse technology- What to do ?!?!?!?! There are so many ways the economy could fail Neutral Unaffiliated
Santar Member Jorbis Figlenogle Sujjar Male Gnome Librarians, Scribes, Printers, and Clerks Bookish, a librarian in every sense of the word. His only interest in the outside world is getting books on subjects that are new to the island. The world is something to be studied at a distance Favors very limited trade would be okay if it was only a back and forth between the Great Library at Sujjar and Candelkeep- Everything else is worthless in his opinion. Although he does appreciate cheap paper Minimize Trade Anti-Trade
Santar Member Marrih Firemaul Baelrah Female Human Miners, Smelters & Mints Grounded, Militaristic, Loyal, and Practical Keeping the Island Secure from potential invaders and ensuring law and order Minimize Trade Anti-Trade
Santar Member Ragnar Cresthorn Sundrah Male Human Taverns, Land Lords, Inns and Ports Greedy, Dumb, Distrusts Non-Lantanesse, he punishes guild members that cater to them and has created harsh cleansing rules for any site that allows foreigners to stay anywhere- supposedly to prevent illness and diseases- but mostly because he doesn't like them (forcing ports that serve foreigners to scrub docks, hunt rants and face additional inspections more than usual) He single-handedly drove the price to double for foreigners to stay in the country. Feels like the Lantanesse are fine without anyone else, as much as he would like the extra money from outside travelers, he hates them, feels they are dirty uneducated foreigners, and sully the establishments of his guild. Isolationism Anti-Trade
Santar Member Ufessa Billowdiggles Lethtar Female Gnome Builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, Masons & Stone Cutters Proud, Elitest, Believes Architecture is the superior artform, particularly Lantan Architecture Aloof, only interest in trade is getting new materials for the Arches of Lethtar- can't see why anything should change one way or the other Controlled Trade No Change Unaffiliated
Geopolitical, City council
Controlled Territories

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