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Major city in Lantan Sambar Capital and largest City of Lantan   Population 54,532 within the city limits   Notable Imports: Grain, livestock, leather, ore, timber, and exotic goods from all lands. Notable Exports: Ale, arms, cloth, furnishings, some inventions (firearms, nimblewrights, smokepowder), pottery, refined metals, mechanical oddities, and all sorts of finished goods   Sambar, the traveler's perspective: Located on an excellent natural harbor, the city is divided roughly in half by the Sambar River. Within the walls, Sambar is a clean, peaceful city. Even in the poorer sections, the homes have running water, and the buildings and streets fairly gleam a blinding white, a result of the limestone that covers nearly every surface.   Visitors are not allowed outside the City walls and are mostly contained to the marker's dock and the market green.   Sambar is the only port in Lantan open to foreign trade and it is heavily regulated, the rest of the country is off-limits to preserve the secrets of the nation.   It's not uncommon to see blimps or zeppelins in Sambar landing from trade missions to far off parts of the world, returning from Lantan's colony in Meztica.   The City is Broken into 14 Districts:     Council Lane  
  • Apartments for the city's leaders and well to do includes all of the (limited) foreign dignitaries quarters, and a place to stay for those visiting the city with money.
Council Main
  • Government building district the administrative hub of Lantan, Dominated by the council palace, where the Ayrar stays. Also home to the Headquarters for the City Watch
Chicken Docks
  • Smaller docks usually reserved for livestock movement, it is also the primary dock for river trade with the interior of Lantan- No foreigners are allowed to use these docks, they are reserved for the Guilds of Lanatan. (off-limits to travelers)
Market Green
  • A large open-air green space, close to the docks and the only place in Lantan where foreigners can openly sell their goods. Goods from all over the world can be found here at all times or the day, nothing is off-limits if you have the coin for it in this market.
Fishing Docks
  • Reserved for the local fishing industry, these docks provide the most important source of domestic food in Lantan, No Foreigners, No Large Ships, No Exceptions (off-limits to travelers)
  • The only indication of poverty that a traveler will likely see is a fleeting sight of the Bowls when they pull into port. No running water, no education, no work and no hope of advancement in this city. If you find yourself here it would be wise to reevaluate your life decisions. Polite society in Lantan ignores that the bowls exist, a place of such poverty even the Thieves Guild won't operate here, and with no source of law enforcement, it is complete anarchy. (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Marker's Docks
  • The only docks in Lnatan that are open to foreign trade. Known as the Marker's Docks because the Warfmaster marks each foreign vessel when they arrive (after checking to confirm they have an invitation for the merchant's guild). The location is strategic, it forces foreigners to pay to have their goods transported to the Market Green in order to sell them. In this way, each good sold here is taxed three times, once to dock a ship, once to transport the goods, and finally, a tax imposed on the sale of goods.
  • The Marker's Docks are also home to the majority of the Inns, Taverns, Restaurants and Bars that cater to foreigners who have less money than royalty. If your buying anything here, plan on spending at least 20% more than usual- the quality will be good, but not as good as you paid for- and no, it doesn't matter what you are buying.
Inventor's Reach
  • Inventor's Reach is home to the Portal to the Engineering Academy, it is a popular place for successful inventors to retire, and is also home to most of the Engineering Academy's senior faculty. No city guard here (outside the walls) it is protected by a mercenary company paid for by a community fund (think HOA), and they are exceptionally motivated to move along with those that don't belong here. (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Grey Gate
  • The furthest a foreigner is allowed to go without express permission from the Ayrorch. Here you will find the skilled labor that supports the inventors and artists of the city.
Rain Lane
  • The Market outside the city walls, home to the local black market and Gnomish Thieves guild. This area is darker and Grittier than most of the city, while the building was once the same white as the city they are now grey stained by soot and smoke. Your purse is at risk here but you are safe, the Thieves guild would allow no harm to come to a potential customer, nor will they tolerate destructive behavior. (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Far Home
  • Crowded, this is as where Apprentices and Journeymen working their way up to better wages and better accommodations stay. No one here has a lot of money, but neither are they destitute, and the shape of the community here reflects it- there are even a couple of schools and temples here for those wishing to invest in the futures of their children. There is no official law here but off duty, City Guard off patrol here to make some extra coin. (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Wool Side
  • Historically home to the farmers and ranchers who scratched out an existence in Lanatan. Wool Side is all about farm and animal products, using inventions from the city to make farming here possible. Even when you are in the city your meat was probably butchered here, and this is where cotton is spun into bolts of fabric for the fashion markets. It's not a wealthy area (with a few notable exceptions) there are few schools but the people here are hardworking, honest, and proud of their contributions to the City. No one is bold enough to steal here, the hardy people from this area have no problem hanging would-be thieves over the road running through the district- it may not be an ideal solution, but its an effective deterrent (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Miner Way
  • The Mines on the main island of Lantan have long since dried up. This road is a remnant of the trade that they used to create. Furthest from the walls and least civilized, this area is home to river pirates, thugs, and the tradeless poor laborers. - Even the Bowls would be a step up from here. if you had to describe the look of the residents, one word could sum it up, "hungry" (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Mead Canter
  • Almost as far from the walls as Miner Way (and in some places further), Mead Canter has earned itself a starkly different reputation. Traditionally an area of Meadaries, Breweries, and Wineries- Mead Canter has become the place to live if you can't afford Inventor's Reach, or can't bring yourself to tilt your nose back that far. Mead Canter is home to those successful enough to outright own relatively nice property. The area has created its own water piping system that some say is more advanced than that in the city proper. Here there is a bar or restaurant on nearly every corner and they have banded together to hire mercenaries that help keep the peace. Even though the locals here have money, they don't spend it here (other than on food and drink), they tend to travel into the city walls to spend their earnings. (off-limits to travelers- Outside the wall)
Other Notable feature of the city   Azure River
  • Splits the city in two. The Leagen says that way up in the Lethen Mountain range an Ancient Blue Dragon once had domain over this island. As a show of his dominance froze over the whole island. The Glaciars that formed and melted forged the Azure River.
Azure Bridge
  • Long ago the Azure family built the first bridge across the Azure River. It has since been rebuilt 3 times over and is now become a living testimony of Lantan Engineering, and is a true marvel of a suspension bridge. Engineers forgine to Lantan claim the bridge to be an impossibility due to the cables in theory are two small to hold such weight. It is a testimony to the superior strength of building materials
Council Bridge
  • A simple built to last no nonsense tussle bridge.
The foot traffic on both bridges is minimal due to most take there goods and themselves to market by boat.


Humans 48% Rock Gnomes 46% Catfolk/Tabaxi 3% Dwarves 1% Hobgoblins 1% All others 1%


The Ayrorch is both the ruling Council of Sambar and Lantan as a whole, they are led by the Ayrar and each member of the council of 12 is elected by the council for life.    Taxation here is high on any good coming into the port (10%) from a foreign source. For that matter Foreigners can expect to be taxed roughly 10% for every purchase here- a local is taxed at the rate of 4%.   The City is protected by the City Guard, and the Ayrorch and their staff at the Council Main are protected by an Elite force of Gnomish Paladins and Artificers called the Iron of Gond. -these may be the most serious Gnomes you ever meet.   The City has a well-established court system, guards travel in groups of 3-4 in their patrols and are empowered to levy fines for minor infractions. Commit a serious offense and you will find yourself in a "hold" (prison cell) in a guard building waiting your turn in the notoriously slow court (it could take days to see a magistrate) It is important to note that the guard's jurisdiction only extends to the walls of Sambar and the Port. The Iron of Gond has no such restrictions and can enforce the law anywhere they see fit.   The City Watch has no naval assets, instead, it is broken into 2 parts, the foot patrols of the city, and the flying boats of the Sky Guard, these are the only ships that fly in Sambar, small and crewed by 2-3 men they have horizontal sails and a single cannon that swivels and can point to the ground. The Sky guard never land their ships but bring them low enough that they can board naval vessels, in the harbor. At the end of a shift, they return to the roof of the Headquarters of the City watch, where crews are exchanged before they are out again. It is said that if you are outdoors you are never not being watched by one of these vessels.  No one has ever seen these vessels travel beyond the walls of the city, it's rumored that they can't but no member of the sky guard has ever commented on this.


300 City Guardsmen 30 Sky Guard Ships Fully Crewed 50 Iron of Gond (25/25 Gnomish Artificer/Paladin)

Industry & Trade

Sambar is the center of Trade in Lantan, and the only city where Foreigners are welcome to tradde.   Resource-poor Lantan is dependent on Trade through the port of Sambar for most of the food, raw materials, livestock, and exotic goods in the nation. Waterdeep, Calisham and Chult are the primary trading partners.   Sambar is home to its own engineers, but they tend to create the practical, through Sambar though flows the goods of the Engineering Academy, the Art of Lethtar and the internal trade of iron ore from Balreah.


A complex system of pipes brings fresh water to all the people within the city, within their very homes.


A fleet of Commercial Fishing Vessels  Trade is controlled by the merchants guild headed by the Merchant Princes, 4 merchant families who are responsible for maintaining their own defenses of the harbor, no one is welcome in the Harbor without their invitation.

Guilds and Factions

Sambar has Numerous Guilds but they belong to a hierarchical structure where the most powerful guild acts as a parent guild and mediator for disputes between it's lesser members:
  • The Merchant Guild- Parent guild to the Ship Builders, Shop Keepers, Traders, and Tavern Owner's Guilds
  • Inventor's Guild- Parent guild to the Tinkers, Smiths, and Armorer's Guild
  • Librarian's Guild- Parent guild to the Scribes, Book Keepers, and Tax Collector's Guilds
  • Architect Guild- Parent guild to the Brick Makers, Carpenters, Street Layers, Sign Crafters, Plumbers and Builder's Guilds
  • Fishing Guild- Parent guild to the Farmers, Breeders, and Aviary Guilds
  • Baker's Guild- Parent guild to the Butchers, Millers, Brewers, and Winery Guilds
  • Sculptor's Guild- Parent guild to the Artisans, Carvers, Glass Blower, Fashion and Potter's Guilds
Notably absent is a Labor or Dock workers guild, though they have tried to organize in the past low labor costs and a shortage of unskilled labor jobs have prevented this from happening.   The Thieves Guild is unofficial in the city, but it certainly exists, predominantly outside the walls of the city proper where the City Guard don't protrol


The buildings in Sambar are gloriously whit, making a perfect canvas for much of the art that seems to be spewn around the city at random, mosaics, huge sculptures in every conceivable medium, and giant paintings adorn almost every surface within the walls.


At the heart of a natural bay split by a river, Sambar is naturally protected from the poor weather conditions that often wear at Coastal Cities. The bay is deep enough that Sambar can accept nearly any size of ship. The wanted flowing in from the North provides a source of clean fresh water, that the locals have piped in to provide fresh water to everyone within the walls of the city, even the poorest homes within the wall have running water.

Natural Resources

Almost no natural resources in Sambar or Lantan at large, the inventiveness here is partially driven by a need to make the most out of what is available. The Jungles to the north are of a strange Iron Wood, that is nearly useless for lumber, and almost impossible to clear. The seam provides fish, but not enough to sustain such a large city, and certainly not enough for a nation, Sambar's first priority is always ensuring that it is importing enough food for its people. The livestock that gets imported struggles on the island,  the running joke is that a cow in Sambar loses half its value every day, so you better eat her when you buy her or you might just lose your investment.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Secrets
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Owning Organization

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