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Pepe Thamuz

Pepe Thamuz

Pepe is a Career Criminal trying to make good, he is a runaway from Calisham, and won't talk about his past even with his close friends, he only tells them that he is wanted for murder there, and swears that he didn't do it. He is a grifter by trade but wants more than anything to be welcome in society, something the Zags have helped him do, and in doing so they have earned his loyalty.   The promised thoughts on Pepe's origin are: Born to a Human mother (Warlock) who runs a Magic supply in Calisham. Don't know anything about my father, I suspect my mother knows but she won't talk about it- I know there was a demon involved with the pregnancy I don't know if my curse was the price for some dealing my mother had, or if the demon is actually my parent- I only know that she summoned the demon when I was conceived. My mother was not wealthy (is now) but we grew up comfortable, her business was successful. I don't think my mother likes me very much, when my sorcerous powers started to show she grew cold and wouldn't talk to me about them. We lived in an apartment in Calisham and I was definitely an outcast with just a few friends. Most others saw me as something different or strange, at first I only had a tail, but about the time I showed any abilities in spell casting my horns showed up, and they seem to grow with my abilities as a caster, they've started to curl back like Ram''s horns (they're still pretty small, but I wonder what they'll look like when they stop)- at the same time I started sporadically growing red tinted scales (mostly they look skin toned, but there is a reddish heugh that gets darker- again as my spell casting ability grows) - I usually cover most of my body to keep them hid from others, at this point they mostly cover my body, but not my face (not yet anyway)   I'm roughly 6 ft tall, with wavy black hair, my eyes thankfully are human and green, I have a natural tan (think greece) though I'm paranoid they'll begin to look more demonic eventually- lucky are those who only have to worry about going bald or fat.,   I have one older brother Bassam who was a fighter/soldier and is now a politician (bureaucrat) In Claisham, he is also Neutral (True) and is alive and well, and my mothers favorite he is 36 and we never lived together, his father was a good man and a wealthy merchant. Who while kind to me always acted like I was a threat to his son. My brother is full Human   My mother's name is Takisha is alive and now very successful and powerful her magic shop has grown in renown and people pay premium prices for her goods. She is a Warlock and Lawful Evil , more often than not she is indifferent or cold to me. she is full human and 66   I was born Thamuz in Calisham, and others think I was cursed, when I started showing my powers it only seemed to prove this to them. The first indication is that when I eat my nose wrinkles, and once I started showing powers and horns I noticed that the world around me goes dark and gloomy when I cast a spell, which mostly scares people, even when I cast a spell intended to help them.   When I was 24 I first came upon my magical abilities, and when I was 25 I was accused of murder, and forced to run from my home-a dwarf was killed, and knowing that no one would believe me I ran - I think my mother actually did the murder and was more than happy to get rid of me with it- a happy consequence if not the reason for the actual murder. My brother believes in my innocence but can't be seen with me publicly, we are both pragmatists and know what it would do to his career in politics.   I went on the run and became a scam artist to survive, I changed my name to Pepe hoping that picking something silly would make me more approachable and less intimidating- but I learned later that the name had origins in another area with an accent I didn't know- I try it every now and then but I mostly think it just adds to the silliness of it all   I'm still wanted in Calisham and I'm sure there is a bounty (I'm sure the dwarf's family has a bounty out for me as well) so far though, I've not run in to anyone who was looking for me.   Up to this point my life just seems unfair, and it makes me angry, I feel the need to be fair and anyone being attacked for their birth (half orcs, tiefling, etc) bothers me most of all, I feel the need to step in if someone else is facing unfair odds. I'm not above trickery because it is a fair competition, my wits in the deception vs. yours. I hold a grudge for a Long time, and once offended will be hard to reconcile with.   I appreciate those who are naturally kind, and I understand those who do what they must to survive. If I know you were forced to do something I'm likely not to take it personally, but that doesn't make me believe you don't deserve retribution.   I also have a natural hatred for any kind of Paladin- even fallen ones, I feel like they are high and mighty prepared to pass judgement, I fear secretly that they can sense more about my demonic nature than even I know, and that it will justify someone destroying me for the evil inside of me.       When did my horns show up - I was 10, I got beat up by a group of local bullies that didn't like my tail or pointy teeth. in the midst of being beaten I screamed in anger, people watching said the world around me went dark and the building behind the bullies caught on fire- This was the first manifestation of my sorcery, and when the darkness faded my horns were there- they continue to grow with my use of magic. Major Upcoming Events for Pepe: Getting Cleared of Murder in Calisham the Revelation that his Father is a Red Ahbashi Some kind of conflict with his mother     Pepe isn't there yet, but the vision is for him to become a Tomelok like his mother, but also in spite of her. Her Book is hidden in an illusion but always on her- it is bound in demon hide, pages made from human skin with a demon skull on the cover-- Pepe knows of this book and hates it for many reasons- if he ever gets his hands on it he will probably burn it - she Also has a demonic Raven Familiar (Probably an Imp, but up to you) - her Patron is a Fiend (Deamon, not Pepe's father)   Two ways to do Pepe's tome (in my mind)- when Pepe burns the evil tome his patron transforms it into a book made of shadows and covered in Shadow Dragon scales (his patron is a Giant Shadow Dragon God after all)   Pepe Disposes of the books and through some quest or another finds a book of his own/or is awarded it by his patron   I started with the idea that Pepe would go 1-5 Sorcerer 6-8 Warlock and 9-20 Sorcerer- but I don't have to do it in that order- if from a story perspective you would like me to wait on the last level of Warlock to finish off a plot line I'm good with that. I would like to get through Warlock 2.   So alternate is 1-5 Sorcerer, 6-7 Warlock, 8-(X-1) Sorcerer, X Warlock (3rd Level), (X+1)-20 Sorcerer   If we go the alternate route I'll need to know in advance because it changes the spell progression a little bit   And we talked about 2 items Pepe will eventually be after the Bloodwell Vial (+1-+3) the Shadow Shard (which I will stick in the Bloodwell Vial)   All of this is probably pretty future-looking but you have it if you are doing some foreshadowing stuff- Also your ideas on Character Specific Special Stuff, I'm in that is pretty neat

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively Tall and in shape, Pep is no athlete, he is dexterous but not strong by any measure of the word.

Body Features

It's hard to miss Pepe's horns (like those of a Ram) pointed ears and teeth, and the tail.- It is obvious that he has demonic heritige. Oh, and the scales, he seems to be growing red-tinted scales, they seem to be growing with him as he ages.

Facial Features

Pepe has features that strongly mark him as being from the Clisham region, with a longer nose, high cheeks. It is enough that when he is in Waterdeep or Baldur's Gate that those who can see past his horns comment on his being, "not from around here".

Identifying Characteristics

The horns and tail are a dead giveaway. He might be confused with another Tiefling but even that seems unlikely.

Physical quirks

When I cast a spell, (unless it is subtle) the area around me goes a little dark, it's unnerving and cold for other people.   When I'm thinking or stressed I have a tendency to put my hand on the base of my horns - (the same way some people pull their hair)

Special abilities

Pepe is a spell caster and dedicated to learning more spells- magic fascinates him

Apparel & Accessories

Pepe wears armor but mostly keeps it hidden under a dark cloak with a hood he can use to hide his appearance. The cloak has a bunch of pockets sewn into it. He also normally wears a backpack that has a pouch for his bag of holding.

Specialized Equipment

Pepe caste magic through emotion, when he learns a new spell it is all about remembering how he felt when he cast it- it can be quite exhausting. (Even his pact magic is just his patron sharing an emotion with him that he can recall at a later tim)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

My Real name is Tahmuz Reza   I was born in a field outside of Calisham, where my mother went to have me in secret, and lucky me I was born with a tail, some sharp teeth, and bumps that would one day grow to be horns. I’m a teifling and I know that I’m this way because my mother (a Warlock masquerading as a mage) had some dealings with a demon before I was born, but I don’t have any details, and she won’t talk about it. My mother is cold to me and doesn’t really acknowledge me. When I caught her looking at me the look hovered between regret and anger- I don’t think I was safe around her- but I didn’t have anyone else. She was impatient with me when I was just a Tiefling child, when I showed up one day telling her about my magic I thought she would kill me, she had a look as cold as ice, and said nothing, just walked away. Shortly after that, she enrolled me in a school for wizards, when that didn't take she called me her greatest failure. I don’t think she has said anything to me since- I moved out that evening onto the streets of Calisham.   As a child I was an outcast, Teiflings aren’t unheard of in Calisham, but they aren’t common either- my tail alone was enough to drive most people away. There was a lot of hushed talking when I was around, and most people thought I was different or strange. Once my spellcasting abilities showed up so did my horns and any social life I thought I would have was over- especially because my spellcasting caught a building on fire and scared the hell out of me- everyone near said the world around me got dark when it happened and they knew it was me- I had almost no one at that point. Around the same time, I also noticed that I started grown sporadic red scales- flesh-toned and tinted with red at first, but now they cover almost my whole body and they seem to get darker the more magic I do- I imagine one day I will be red, head to toe with scales- thankfully they don’t cover my face yet. Because of my remarkable looks I usually wear a hood and clothing that covers my whole body- loose tunics and pants that cinches at the hands and ankles.   My magic showed up when I was 24, too old to be cute, and I looked too much like a demon not to scare people. Every time I did magic the world around me got dark and even when the spell was something helpful people usually ran from me. When I was 25, a Dwarf was murdered, I don’t know his name, or why he was killed, but it’s easy to blame the murder on someone that looks like a demon from your nightmares. I now suspect my mother killed the dwarf, I still don’t know why That the murder was blamed on me probably couldn’t have made her happier. I suspect she was more than happy to be rid of me, it was a happy consequence if not the reason for the killing.   I ran from Calisham before I was stoned to death by a city all too happy to punish a demon before there was even a trial. It took me 3 years to make it to Waterdeep, and though my escape was well known (I may be a little infamous back home) only my brother knew where I was headed. I walked most of the 1300 miles, staying off main roads and hiding my face when I had to go through towns, for the most part, I skirted civilization when I could. I know there is a bounty on me in Calisham and I suspect the dwarf’s family has a private reward out for my head as well, I was 800 miles away before I stopped seeing notices out for a reward if I was caught.   Obviously, I don’t go by Thamuz Reza anymore, even in Waterdeep some Calishamite would hear it and be out for blood. As soon as I got out on my own, I picked a new name, Pepe. Pepe was supposed to be something that made me less scary to the average person, when I chose it I didn’t realize it was from a different language altogether and my lack of accent would make it just seem silly, but silly is approachable so I kept it, and now I’m quite attached to Pepe, Pepe is me.   It was about a year into my trip to Waterdeep that I began to become a scam artist, making up new names and backgrounds so I could survive, relieving the less astute of their coin- it’s not personal, and I thought it was fair, my wits in a deception against yours, if I won I got your money.   When I arrived at Waterdeep I met Falco (3 years ago), he’s a warlock that can’t seem to remember his name and has a strange penchant for dressing like a grandmother, but he’s trustworthy and we have been grifting the public together to make ends meet- life is safer when you’re not on your own. Given that he seems intelligent enough, but not at all wise and he has to be watched or he’ll do outlandish things and act like they’re perfectly normal.

Gender Identity



I'm heterosexual, and I don't hide it, but my tiefling nature makes me cautious of being overt about it- I don't want to be accused of anything, and I would never want to pass my curse along.


My mother was cruel and did not love me, but would never deny her progeny education. I received an education in Calisham, and then the second one in magic as soon as I showed a talent for it. But being a sorcerer I was rejected as unworthy and all I got out of it was theory and history- Wizard spells, as much as I wish they weren't, are useless to me. shortly after my rejection from the school of Wizardry, I was accused of murder- I guess my mother could only handle so much disappointment.


I was a grifter in Waterdeep, a profession I worked with my friend Falco- I learned this through necessity on my long trip from Calisham to Waterdeep.   I am now a member of the Zags, headquartered at Ziggy's Struddels and Beer. We have transformed into a merchant group, and I specialize in "Acquisitions"

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • I burned down Frew's Brews
  • I'm also the reason for our entanglement with one of the local Waterdeep magistrates. I was supposed to provide her a bribe, but I was outvoted by the rest of my team (that still stings a little bit).
  • I'm a little renowned for going overboard- a fireball when a conversation would do.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • I'm wanted for murder in Calisham and can't go home- and I don't know who framed me, though I think my mother had something to do with it
  • I'm embarrassed by my demonic heritage- and when I see a demon I am torn between some sense of familiarity and anger that I can feel a kinship with something so evil.
  • I wasn't able to live up to my end of a bargain with a magistrate, and it bothers me all the time.

Mental Trauma

  • I was unloved by my mother
  • I was a Sorcerer in Calisham
  • I was born looking like a demon. and only really accepted when I got to Waterdeep
  • I have been framed for murder and hunted as a fugitive
  • My friends have been leaving me at an alarming rate I have lost both Eric Von Sturddel House and Falco in a very short time
  • My former flame, rejected me after we didn't pay her a bribe
  • I do not trust the person (Ziggy) who is ostensibly our Patron/Boss

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Distrusting of Stangers
  • Abandonment Complex
  • Very non-emotional/logical until he is emotional and then it is a complete 180* turn around
  • Ashamed of my Heritage/Overly sensitive about it
  • Inquisitive
  • Fascinated by Dragons

Morality & Philosophy

Up to this point my life just seems unfair, and it makes me angry, I feel the need to be fair and anyone being attacked for their birth (half-orcs, tiefling, dragon born, drow, etc) bothers me most of all, I feel the need to step in if someone else is facing unfair odds. I'm not above trickery because it is a fair competition, my wits in the deception vs. yours. I hold a grudge for a long time, and once offended will be hard to reconcile with.   I appreciate those who are naturally kind, and I understand those who do what they must to survive. If I know you were forced to do something, I'm likely not to take it personally, but that doesn't make me believe you don't deserve retribution.


Anyone being judged, persecuted, or punished based on their birth.   I also have a natural hatred for any kind of Paladin- even fallen ones, I feel like they are high and mighty prepared to pass judgment, I fear secretly that they can sense more about my demonic nature than even I know, and that it will justify someone destroying me for the evil inside of me.

Personality Characteristics


I have a need to prove myself, to succeed, to be more than my heritage   I also want to clear my name in Calisham, I no longer want to go home, but I don't want to avoid it either, it would be nice to see my brother again.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

I am socially pretty Savy, I can sway a crowd and pull off a scam, but I'm not wise.   It would be just like me to try and make a mark out of someone powerful enough to end me, and I wouldn't even realize it until it is too late.

Likes & Dislikes

I LOVE Dragons, metallic, chromatic, doesn't matter, I feel some kinship with them that I can't explain- I can feel them, they put me at ease and I am likely to trust them.   I HATE paladins, they make me self-conscious, also if clerics get too self-righteous I'm prone to harbor the desire to knock them down a peg.   I am fond of the unfortunate, and I will likely help them if it's not too big of an imposition.   I like money and wealth, my time as a grifter and refugee have given me a desire to never have to live that way again.

Vices & Personality flaws

I like to drink from time to time, and I don't hold my liquor well.   I love beautiful things, as much as I appreciate them, I really want to make them mine.   I am VERY risk-averse until I'm not, and then I'm not cognizant of the risk at all.


I am fastidiously clean, if I can't clean it with magic, I'll clean it by hand, I may have an infernal legacy, but I am clean and respectable.


Contacts & Relations

Mother: Name: Takisha Reza Race: Human Age: 66 Class: Warlock • Patron: Fiend –Archdevil (She has never said which one but I suspect it is Dispater) • Pact: Tome – I’ve seen her Tome it’s made with human skin and can only be opened with by Warlock blood- it is crested with a relief of a Balor skull- though it appears to be an actual skull made of bone, no Balor is that small. Alignment: Lawful Evil Height: 5’4” Hair: Straight mostly Silver with black streaks, thick and long worn in a single braid Eyes: Green Skin: Tan Career: Owns a Magic Shop in Calisham -very successful, almost famous- she is also the head or one of the local guilds for purveyors of magical goods. Wealth: Exceptionally Wealthy Background: My mother has always been indifferent or cold to me, treating me as if I was a burden or obligation- I suppose it has to do with the way I look, I was born with a tail and my demonic heritage has shown more as I grew. She regularly denies me in public saying I’m not her child, just something she is taking care of. – I’ve heard her reference the price of power once or twice. My mother was not wealthy when I was young (is now) but we grew up comfortable, her business was always successful- but now it is thriving. I don't think my mother likes me very much, when my sorcerous powers started to show she grew cold and wouldn't talk to me about them – my looks were bad enough, powers drew attention. We lived in an apartment in Calisham back then, she now lives in a complex of some sort, but I’ve never been there. I suspect my Mother killed a Dwarf when I was 25, I was accused of the murder and forced to run from my home. My mother was more than happy to get rid of me, a happy consequence if not the reason for the murder.   Brother: Name: Bassam Nadir Race: Human Age: 36 Class: Fighter Subclass: Battle Master Alignment: Lawful Neutral Height: 6’4” Hair: Straight black, thick and long worn in a military crop with a full beard thick and kept closely cropped/well-trimmed Eyes: Blue Skin: Tan Career: Politician (high level bureaucrat) Wealth: Wealthy Background: My Brother is was a famous fighter, a leader of some sort in the army in Calisham, and he used that fame (along with some of his father’s monetary support) to get a position in politics. When we were younger my brother and I were very close, though he lived with his father. He was one of the only people to treat me like a human being and seemed to pay no attention to my appearance. He is alive and well and knew of my desire to go to Waterdeep. He and I are both pragmatists, when I ran away from Calisham I knew I could not use him for help- I would run the risk of ruining his political career, I’m not sure he would have helped if I asked - I’ve not heard from him since before I was accused. He is my mother’s favorite child, and in public her only child. Brother’s Father: Name: Bashir Nadir Race: Human Age: 72 Class: Fighter Subclass: Champion Alignment: Lawful Good Height: 6’3” Hair: Brown with silver temples (Military Crop) Eyes: Blue Skin: Pale Career: Merchant (Silk)- Former Army Captain Wealth: Wealthy Background: He is not my stepfather, I don’t know why he and my mother split but it was before I was born (because my mother had an affair with a demon and I’m proof of that affair) He retired from the Army to become a Merchant, taking up his family business. A large gentle man who was always kind to me if not accepting of me. I’ve never been welcome in his house, and he kept an eye on me like I was a threat to his son, but he never was unkind to me. I wish he was my father; life seems like it would have been so different. At minimum he treats me fairly, but I think this has more to do with his respect for my relationship with my brother than anything. I respect him, and whatever it was that drove him and my mother apart, I doubt he is at fault.   Father: Red Abishai (Unknown to my Character) Name: Age: Height:

Religious Views

I have not yet found a god that deserves my worship, or a pantheon for that matter.   I'm drawn to: Null Mystra Selune Shar

Social Aptitude

I'm very social, and can get too caught up in it

Hobbies & Pets

I don't have any pets, but I love birds, I envy their ability to fly, their freedom- I'm particularly enamored with owls of all sorts, they are strikingly beautiful to me, and are so quiet when they fly- an embodiment of everything I am not, and cannot do.


Pepe Thamuz

Brother (Vital)

Towards Bassam





Towards Pepe Thamuz


Wealth & Financial state


Grumpy, Not Evil, Dragon Loving, Demon Looking PIA

View Character Profile
Neutral (True Neutral)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hero of Waterdeep
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, with a redish tint where I have scales growing
Quotes & Catchphrases
Eric, break it down
Known Languages
Draconic, Infernal, Common

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