Bheur Hag

Bheur hags live in wintry lands, favoring snowy mountains. These hags become more active during winter, using their ice and weather magic to make life miserable for nearby settlements.

A bheur hag’s skin has the bluish hue of a person who has frozen to death. The hag’s hair is white, and the hag is emaciated, with pale eyes surrounded by bruise-colored flesh. A bheur hag carries a twisted gray wooden staff that can be ridden like a flying broom and that augments the hag’s magic.

Bheur hags are attracted to selfish actions inspired by deadly cold, such as murdering a traveler for a winter coat or chopping down a dryad’s grove for firewood. These actions are especially sweet to a bheur if they are unwarranted, such as a greedy merchant hoarding excess food for the winter while others starve. Bheurs use their ability to manipulate weather to batter villages with freezing cold, hoping to instill a despair that turns folk against each other.

Genetic Ancestor(s)


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