Harpshield Castle


Harpshield was originally a territory of the kingdom of Delimbiyran. After the fall of Phalorm in the Year of the Lamia's Kiss, 615 DR, Delimbiyran overtook many of the lands formerly held by the dwarven and elven realms of Dardath and Ardeep. The local Harpshield family was ennobled in the Year of the Hunting Ghosts, 659 DR, ruling from Harpshield Castle.

Harpshield lands were destroyed by drow raiders in the Year of the Circling Vulture, 942 DR. The ruling family fled and resettled in Nimoar's Hold, later becoming ennobled in Waterdeep as the Majarra family in the Year of the Cockatrice, 1248 DR. Only Daggerford and Secomber remain of what was once Delimbiyran. Harpshield Castle fell into ruin, now lying on the lands claimed by the Floshin family.

In 1491 DR, the castle was overrun by three separate orc tribes, the Fanged Moon, Gory Maul, and Jagged Scythe. The Fanged Moon and their undead leader occupied the castle proper until they were decimated by invading adventurers. The Gory Maul left for the Forlorn Hills not long after, making a home in Secomber after driving out the Urshani hobgoblins. The Jagged Scythe took control of the castle, shoring up its defenses. At the suggestion of the Gory Maul, they made an alliance with Firehammer Hold and attempted to build a new life there.

In late 1492 DR, a misunderstanding with the nearby village of Ardford led to a contingent from the Order of the Gauntlet leading a force of the Waterdeep Guard to lay siege to the castle. Adventurers sent by Tace Stoneshield defused the situation peacefully. The Jagged Scythe abandoned Harpshield Castle for Firehammer Hold, leaving it an empty ruin once again.



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