Tace Stoneshield

Thane Tace Stoneshield

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Spellplague unleashed many disasters on the land, but not all resolved immediately. Beneath a dwarven stronghold in the north, a nameless horror was spawned that slowly began to seep up from deep in the earth. For many years, the dwarves of that stronghold fought to preserve their home, but they were overwhelmed and the survivors forced to flee to the surface. Thus is was that young Tace Stonehshield lost his home.

Many refugees travelled on to the thriving community of Everlund to make new lives. Tace's father Adrik was one of many who were not able or could not afford to make that journey, having been injured in the evacuation. Those who remained settled in and around a small human community along the Rauvin Road called Valleyhold. The town was not welcoming to the refugees, and forced them to eke what living they could from the surrounding land. Tace's mother, Audhild, was an outspoken advocate for the rights of the refugees. While her husband eked out a subsistence-level of survival farming and herding, Audhild's needs drove her to criminally relieve the few nobles in the area of some of their wealth in order to provide for her family. She was caught and imprisoned for a time, but later escaped. She spent several years on the run.

As soon as he was able, Tace sought employment to aid his ailing father. Though still a child, Tace was apprenticed to a human stonemason named Halat. The man was greedy, selfish, and opportunistic, but he treated Tace well thanks to the money the young dwarf's talents brought in. As a result, despite the rundown shack he and his father called home, they never wanted for food or other necessities, and Tace had a generally happy childhood.

Though his relationship with Halat was mostly positive, Tace was not blind to his mentor's flaws, and eventually struck out on his own. As providence would have it, the refugee community had earned enough coin through a thriving brewery to fund the construction of a temple to the dwarven gods. Tace was employed as a stonemason on the project, making many friends and connections and earning for himself a solid reputation and position of respect in the community. He was a central figure in the establishment of the Guild of Stonecrafters and Mastersmiths, which organized the dwarven artisans of the area and set standards for their craft. Though the Guild has performed many fine deeds, they were also responsible for driving an elven druid named Gellan from the area after a clash over mining in the foothills. Tace was himself at the forefront of that conflict, and it shames him to this day that he made an enemy of an honorable man and that they collectively chased him from his home.

His work on the temple would be formative for Tace in many more ways. He made a lasting friendship with a half-elven artisan named Kirin, a retired warrior who now works with precious metals applying filigree and plating. He also met and fell in love with a jeweller and goldsmith named Morana, and the two were married.

During the course of his work, Tace began to feel a call to the service of Moradin, the Soul Forger and all-father of the dwarves. His friends among the clergy of the rising temple helped him explore his calling, and he eventually pledged his service to Moradin as a cleric. The temple was completed and its clergy established. It was not soon after that they were called upon to help their human neighbours repel invasion by an orc tribe. That successful campaign earned the temple a reputation as a home to devoted and potent warrior-priests (in addition to its fine and potent ales). The leadership of the temple has yet to settle on a name, so the reputation of the "Valleyhold dwarves" has become intrinsically tied to that of the temple and its deeds.

Tace actively works to promote his temple and his Guild, seeing the two intrinsically tied through his faith. His mother was pardoned and returned to the family. His wife has found great success in her field. She and Audhild look after Adrik as the years of labour and unhealed injuries have taken their toll in the elder dwarf's third century. in recent years, Tace has felt a desire to connect with his ancestral roots by seeking out the larger Stoneshield clan. Furthermore, the dwarven community around Valleyhold has been increasingly interested in establishing a new stronghold. Questions have been raised whether the second Sundering has undone the evil that claimed their former home, as rumours hold it has done elsewhere, and whether it is safe to consider reclaiming it.

Morality & Philosophy

I like to talk at length about my profession.

I don’t part with my money easily and will haggle tirelessly to get the best deal possible.

I trust that Moradin will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well.

Personality Characteristics


I helped establish the Stonecrafters and Mastersmiths guild in my community and am considered a leader there. I want to find the larger Stoneshield clan and connect with my ancestral roots. I have aspirations to establish a new stronghold for my people.

Vices & Personality flaws

My experience with humans has been mixed at best. I generally expect the worst from them.


Contacts & Relations

Tace helped build the temple to Moradin in his community and is a founding member of its clergy. The leaders are still deciding on a name for the establishment. The temple has become known for both the skill of its warrior-priests and the quality of its ales - a trade the temple entered to help fund its construction.

During the construction, Tace helped form the Guild of Stonecrafters and Mastersmiths in Valleyhold, and is considered a leader there. Its membership is entirely dwarven at the moment, but they are cautiously open to accepting artisans of other races who can meet their standards.


Tace Stoneshield

Husband (Vital)

Towards Morana Stoneshield



Morana Stoneshield

Wife (Vital)

Towards Tace Stoneshield



Lawful Good
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1409 DR 83 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Tan
4' 3"
164 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages

Common, Dwarvish, Giant

Ruled Locations


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