
The hamlet of Jalanthar is a tight knit community of hunters and trappers and a few retired adventurers. The hardy residents, who call themselves Jalantharren or Jalants, live in stone cottages with mud-sealed timber roofs that are covered with turf to resist burning. The homes are half-buried in the ground and from a distance can be easily mistaken for small grassy knolls. The hills north of Jalanthar are riddled with caves, wherein the natives take refuge should the village come under attack. The caves are furnished and well-stocked with preserves.


Village law is whatever the local Council of Elders says it is. The current head of the council is a retired ranger and active member of the Emerald Enclave named Quinn Nardrosz (NG male Damaran human scout). Many years ago, an Uthgardt barbarian of the Red Tiger tribe bit off Quinn’s left ear, but Quinn prefers to talk about the part of the story where he cracked open the barbarian’s skull with a rock.


Prior to the Spellplague, the hamlet's defenses were boosted by a troop of the Argent Legion camping in the old ruins. Since the War of the Silver Marches, the hamlet has been left to its own devises.

In 1492 DR, the hamlet was negotiating a tenuous alliance with nearby Silverfort, with the growing silver mining community providing protection for new mercantile docks sponsored by Clan Holderhek.

Industry & Trade

Jalanthar sees little business since the destruction of Sundabar, but some cargo from Citadel Felbarr passes through. The needs of travelers can be met by various tradespeople, and innkeeper Myles Heldruin trades in the usual wares.

In the summer of 1492 DR, Clan Holderhek began negotiations to establish mercantile docks south of the city, though the threat of orc raids remains a concern.

Guilds and Factions

The only faction other than the Emerald Enclave to have an agent in Jalanthar is the Harpers. Brottor (NG male shield dwarf veteran) plays the role of a crazy hermit, wandering around the area between the live town, the ruins of the old town, and the abandoned sod-barrow fortress by the river. He uses the persona to justify keeping an eye on anyone who comes by the abandoned structures. Because he wanders around so much, he's not reachable through the regular "at the tavern" methods. Instead, he makes a point of harassing any newcomers, a fact the other villagers are well aware of, and often bait newcomers to encourage more awkward, hilarious exchanges. During such encounters, he will drop a classic Harper recognition code or two to see if anyone picks up on it. His long, wild brown hair is 50% grey, same as his long, shaggy beard. He wears a chain shirt and carries a pair of handaxes under unkempt robes. He has sturdy, well-kept boots, which he will pontificate on at length if anyone brings up how they don't match the rest of his outfit.


By 1372 DR, the hamlet had relocated from the south bank of the river to the foothills north of the river after repeated orc raids. The hamlet was overrun on multiple occasions, but the inhabitants retreated to safety into the mountains.


Jalanthar boasts just one amenity for travelers. The Crowing Cockatrice Inn is a low-walled, poorly built oval stone keep in the heart of the village. It features a central yard covered by a rickety roof made of old shields and bits of rusted armor, pounded flat and held up with a profusion of props and cross-braced poles to form a stable. The innkeeper, Myles Heldruin (LG male Damaran human commoner), is a friendly, talkative young man eager to please those with coin to spend.

All the rooms at the inn have a chair or stool, a candle, and a chamber pot. The larger rooms have a closet for storing a traveler’s belongings.

Inhabitant Demonym
Jalantharren, Jalants


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