

The walled enclave of Silverfort is a relatively recent addition to the Rauvin Vale. The village is controlled by self-styled Magistrate Morgaine Elsbeth, an ambitious knight of Bane seeking to claim a place in the vacuum left by the collapse of the Silver Marches. She founded the village using silver bullion extracted from the sunken barge within the Staunt Pools west of Jalanthar. By revitalizing an abandoned quarry and small silver mine, Morgaine is slowly building an economic base for the village. She controls a small army and, courtesy of her Zhentarim contacts, enjoys the allegiance of a hobgoblin mercenary named Sartosk who leads her personal guard.

While people come willingly to Silverfort in search of work and a home, life in town is harsh. Workers are required to sign a contract agreeing to stay until the town’s economy is stable, which Morgaine enforces strictly. The profit shares offered by the contract are more than fair, however, and many are willing to endure her tough rule for the sense of ownership they have in the endeavor.

Morgaine's sense of justice is extreme, and her authority is absolute.She claims this is all necessary until the town’s economy is established. Her demeanor has been tempered by the presence of her marshal, Lady Harriana Hawkwinter. A knight of Helm, Lady Hawkwinter and her squire, Adeline Blackspire, first came to Silverfort intending to overthrow Elsbeth for her seemingly-tyrannical rule. Adventurers travelling west to Everlund came to town and revealed that Elsbeth's advisor, a dragonborn assassin called Ildrex, had been stoking the magistrate's tyrannical zeal. By encouraging a sense of threat from all sides, Elsbeth was inspired to have Ildrex eliminate rivals and troublemakers, fulfilling his need to kill. The adventurers killed Ildrex and brokered a truce between Elsbeth and Lady Hawkwinter.

Recently, Clan Holderhek has fostered ties between Silverfort and nearby Jalanthar, building mercantile docks at Jalanthar and offering skilled silversmith mentors to Silverfort. If Elsbeth can keep her harsher tendencies in check, Silverfort may have a bright future ahead.

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