
The yuan-ti agent "Laszlo" leads a group claiming to oppose the yuan-ti. Laszlo is a pureblood "cursed" with a deformity: emotion. For that, he was supposedly abandoned in the wilderness. Nameless, he adopted the name "Laszlo" out of respect for the farmer who took him in. He believes that the wisdom of the ancient serpent gods should be received without passion or bias. The arrogance of the yuan-ti corrupts this ancient wisdom, blinding them to truth and poisoning the words of the great serpents. It is wiser to build allies than an endless stream of enemies as the yuan-ti do.

In truth, Laszlo came to Daggerford to infiltrate and corrupt the town into a front for his yuan-ti superiors. Among his followers were other yuan-ti purebloods and a handful of loyal yuan-ti followers. The rest were true adherents to Laszlo' s supposed cause.

Laszlo almost completed his mission, until his true nature was revealed by a cadre of adventurers new and old. He was killed outside the Floshin crypts north of Daggerford.

Year of Death
1490 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by adventurers
Place of Death
Floshin Estate
Aligned Organization


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