Pit Fiend

The undisputed lords of most other devils, pit fiends attend the archdukes and archduchesses of the Nine Hells and carry out their wishes. These mighty devils are the generals of the Nine Hells, leading its infernal legions into battle.

With an inflated sense of superiority and entitlement, pit fiends form a grotesque aristocracy in the infernal realm. These domineering and manipulative tyrants conspire to eliminate anything that stands between them and their desires, even as they negotiate the convoluted and dangerous politics of the Nine Hells.

A pit fiend is a hulking monster with a whip-like tail and enormous wings that it wraps around itself like a cloak. Armored scales cover its body, and its fanged maw drips a venom that can lay the mightiest mortal creatures low. Fearless in battle, a pit fiend takes on the most powerful foes in single combat, demonstrating its supremacy and an arrogance that prevents it from acknowledging any chance of defeat.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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