History of Forgotten Realms

  • 523 DR

    Council of Axe and Arrow

    In the Year of Trials Arcane, 523 DR, Elven King Ruardh Lightshiver of Ardeep, the dwarven King Torghatar of Dardath, the human King Javilarhh Snowsword of Elembar, the gnome Darrath Ulbrent Handstone of Dolblunde, and the halfling Arbaern Corcytar Huntinghorn of Meiritin collectively agreed to form the kingdom of Phalorm under the joint rule of the elves, dwarves, and humans in the face of the ever-present threat of orcish invasion.

  • 611 DR

    612 DR

    Destruction of the Everhorde
    Military: War

    In the Year of the Normiir, 611 DR, an illithid-led orc army known as the Everhorde destroyed the kingdom of Yarlith and laid siege to the city of Neverwinter. The combined armies of Phalorm, Uthtower, and the dragon Palarandusk fought at Neverwinter's side and broke the siege. The combined armies continued to fight the Everhorde and finally destroyed it in the Year of the Jester's Smile, 612 DR, at the Battle of Firetears near what would later become Triboar, with King Lathlaeril of Ardeep perishing in the battle. The army of Phalorm would remain in the area for the next two years, hunting down the warbands of orcs that fragmented from the main horde.

  • 614 DR

    Orc Siege of Phalorm
    Military: War

    In the Year of the Shattered Scepter, 614 DR, more orc hordes arose in the High Moor, the Greypeak Mountains, and the Fields of the Dead to lay siege to the Realm of Three Crowns. During this invasion, the city of Dolblunde was sacked, and King Oskilar of Dardath was killed. The orcs were met at the Battle of Shrouded Stars by the returned army of Phalorm, which was forced to retreat and regroup in nearby Uthtower.

  • 615 DR

    The Horde of the Wastes and the End of Phalorm
    Military: Battle

    The weakened armies of Phalorm and Uthtower were joined by forces from Bloodhand Hold at Iniarv's Tower, and confronted the Horde of the Wastes in a final battle there in the Year of the Lamia's Kiss, 615 DR. Unknown to the defenders who had garrisoned the tower, it was still inhabited by the former court mage Iniarv, now a lich. Iniarv was awakened by the battle, and was so enraged at the disturbance that he began attacking all sides, forcing the defenders of Uthtower to retreat and allowing the Horde of the Wastes to invade. When King Uth VII desperately begged the lich for aid, Iniarv mockingly defeated the orcs by causing the sea to flood inland, drowning both armies and washing away Uthtower. Only a few survivors from either side managed to escape, and the lands of Uthtower eventually became the Mere of Dead Men.


    With the horrific events at Iniarv's Tower concluding centuries of bloodshed and decline, most of the remaining elves of Ardeep retreated to Evermeet, abandoning their realm and leaving Phalorm to its own fate. With the diminished dwarven population also withdrawing to more defensible settlements in the Forlorn Hills and Ammarindar, Phalorm ceased to exist in 615 DR, and was thereafter referred to as the Fallen Kingdom.

  • 616 DR

    697 DR

    Delimbiyran Ascends
    Era beginning/end

    The surviving human realm of Delimbiyran declared itself the rightful successor of Phalorm and formed a new alliance with Dolblunde and Secomber, naming itself the Kingdom of Man. Over the next century it fought fiercely to defend the region, but splintered apart when King Davyd was assassinated by rogue Sharrans in 697 DR, also becoming known as the Fallen Kingdom, to the ceaseless confusion of scholars.

  • 714 DR

    Failure of Successor Kingdoms
    Disaster / Destruction

    The failure of the petty successor kingdoms of Calandor, Scathril, and Loravatha to mount an effective defense against orc invasions leads to the destruction of the city of Delimbiyran and the end of the kingdoms.

  • 882 DR

    Short-lived Revival
    Era beginning/end

    In the Year of the Curse, 882 DR, moon elf refugees from Eaerlann settled in the Ardeep Forest and rebuilt the realm, forming a new alliance with the humans of the Delimbiyr Vale and the dwarves of the Forlorn Hills. However, the alliance quickly fell apart and also became known as the Fallen Kingdom, to the endless frustration of historians.

  • 1357 DR

    1st Edition

    1st Edition D&D launches the campaign setting. Little is released that advances the world's history.

  • 1358 DR

    Time of Troubles

    The Time of Troubles world event provides in-world explanations for the rules changes from 1st to 2nd edition.

  • 1367 DR

    1371 DR

    2nd Edition

    Official events published under 2nd edition.

  • 1372 DR

    1376 DR

    3rd Edition

    Official events published under 3rd edition.

  • 1372 DR

    3rd Edition

    3rd edition D&D launch of the setting. No in-game event is used to explain the rules changes. The 2e event "Die, Vecna, Die!", which crosses the settings of Greyhawk, Ravenloft, and Planescape, is often inferred to be the triggering event, since it causes changes to the planes that could indirectly alter the Forgotten Realms as well.

  • 1385 DR

    The Spellplague

    The death of Mystra destroys the Weave, initiating the Spellplague (which is also used to explain the dramatic rules changes from 3rd to 4th edition). Many wizards die or are driven mad by the cataclysm.

  • 1479 DR

    1480 DR

    4th Edition

    Official events published under 4th edition.

  • 1482 DR

    1487 DR

    The Second Sundering

    The Second Sundering world event provides in-world explanations for the rules changes from 4th to 5th edition.

  • 1489 DR

    1490 DR

    Hoard of the Dragon Queen
    Criminal Activity

    The Cult of the Dragon amasses allies and a massive fortune of stolen wealth to prepare for their attempt to bring Tiamat to Faerun.

  • 1489 DR

    1491 DR

    Atropus Approaches
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The undead world Atropus threatens to destroy all life on Toril.

    Additional timelines
  • 1490 DR

    1491 DR

    Rise of Tiamat
    Military: War

    An alliance of factions across the Sword Coast defeats the Cult of the Dragon's ambitions to bring Tiamat to Toril.

  • 1492 DR

    20 Uktar (The Rotting)

    Descent Into Avernus
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Elturel vanishes from the face of Faerun.

    Additional timelines