Sword Coast Adventures

  • 1374 DR

    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A trio of heroes combats the resurrection of an ancient evil. Two humans - a swordmaster and paladin of Helm named Manven Greycastle and a ranger named Khaleid - and an avariel (winged elf) cleric called Nim discover they are descendants of, respectively, a silver dragon, a succubus, and a djinni, who allied centuries earlier to defeat a mind-controlling yuan-ti vampire. The three are joined by a young wizard, Nils Hellstrom, and with the aid of their ancestors, thwart the resurrected vampire's attempt to rebuild his secret empire of enslaved minds.

  • 1489 DR

    1491 DR

    Atropus Approaches
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The undead world Atropus threatens to destroy all life on Toril.

    Additional timelines
  • 1491 DR

    1 Eleasis (Highsun)
    1491 DR

    25 Eleasis (Highsun)

    Firehammer Chronicles: Luckmaiden's Revenge
    Military action

    Noted warrior Jekk Ironfist recruits adventurers to free Firehammer Hold from control by duergar, restoring its dedication to Haela Brightaxe.

  • 1491 DR

    6 Eleint (The Fading)
    1491 DR

    19 Eleint (The Fading)

    Firehammer Chronicles: Their Blood Was On the Leaves

    The Cult of Malar is defeated attempting to corrupt defenders of the High Forest and the sacred river Unicorn Run.

  • 1491 DR

    26 Eleint (The Fading)
    1491 DR

    1 Marpenoth (Leafall)

    Firehammer Chronicles: Bloodgate Keep

    The Red Wizards of Thay threaten to take control of an ancient portal network, enabling them to conquer the entire Sword Coast.

  • 1492 DR

    1492 DR

    15 Mirtul (The Melting)

    Studies in Silver: Cargo Run

    A band of adventurers sets out from Deadsnows, escorting a party of travelers intended for Silverymoon.

  • 1492 DR

    16 Mirtul (The Melting)
    1492 DR

    21 Mirtul (The Melting)

    Studies in Silver: Burden of Honor
    Discovery, Exploration

    Adventurers venture into the ancestral hold of Clan Holderhek and recover the clan's coat of arms.

  • 1492 DR

    22 Mirtul (The Melting)
    1492 DR

    3 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)

    Studies in Silver: The Road to Everlund

    Adventurers investigate the village of Silverfort and its new leader on their way to the town of Everlund.

  • 1492 DR

    4 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)
    1492 DR

    11 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)

    Studies in Silver: Evenings in Everlund
    Criminal Activity

    Adventurers defeat a serial killer while coming under attack by mysterious criminal factions.

  • 1492 DR

    12 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)
    1492 DR

    21 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)

    Studies in Silver: Seeds of Extinction

    The hamlet of Bremen's Hill is overrun by killer plants.

  • 1492 DR

    22 Kythorn (The Time of Flowers)
    1492 DR

    10 Flamerule (Summertide)

    Studies in Silver: The Hand That Feeds
    Criminal Activity

    Harper agents prevent the Hand of Yartar from being absorbed into a mysterious criminal faction.

  • 1492 DR

    1 Marpenoth (Leafall)
    1492 DR

    12 Marpenoth (Leafall)

    Studies in Silver: Death Blossoms
    Military action

    Harper agents end an incursion in the High Forest by the green fey lord Dunleibhe.

  • 1492 DR

    18 Uktar (The Rotting)
    1492 DR

    23 Uktar (The Rotting)

    Studies in Silver: Small Mercies

    Harper agents rescue the heroes who saved the world from Atropus from the vengeful clutches of the archfey known as the Prince of Frost.

  • 1492 DR

    20 Uktar (The Rotting)

    Descent Into Avernus
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Elturel vanishes from the face of Faerun.

    Additional timelines
  • 1492 DR

    4 Nightal (The Drawing Down)
    1492 DR

    8 Nightal (The Drawing Down)

    Studies in Silver: The Big Picture
    Diplomatic action

    To prevent a conflict between orcs and the Order of the Gauntlet, Harper agents negotiate the retreat of the Jagged Scythes orc tribe from the ruins of Harpshield Castle. The orcs join Firehammer Hold at the invitation of its thane, Tace Stoneshield.

  • 1492 DR

    21 Nightal (The Drawing Down)

    Studies In Silver: The Harvest

    Harper agents from Everlund investigate strange happenings in the village of Briar Glen.

    Briar Glen