Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver


One of the finest professors in the Amethyst Academy, Eldrick Runeweaver has personally instructed a generation of talented arcane spellcasters. He is the foremost living expert on abjuration magic, but is also highly regarded within the Academy as a dedicated administrator and calculating leader. If Eldrick Runeweaver successfully retakes the Inscrutable Tower, he will likely take up the vacant spot in the Academy Directorate and assume the mantle of Archmage of Halarahh. Eldrick Runeweaver is a towering and broad-shouldered man in his mid-sixties. His amber eyes glow softly behind his circular glasses, and he has a square-cut, greying black beard. He wears nine rings of silver, gold, and electrum: one on each finger except his left thumb. He wears flowing purple garb with golden embroidery and carries an obsidian staff tipped with a delerium crystal.   Leading the Amethyst Academies brilliant minds they have crafted potent arcane artifacts and invented mighty new spells powered by the vast energies contained within the crystals. Though the true origin of delerium remains unknown to them, many Academy assets are now dedicated to the study and refinement of delerium. They procure enormous quantities to fuel their esoteric experiments and eldritch industries. Rather than risk their own members’ lives in the ruins of Halarahh, the Academy usually obtains delerium through various grey market sources, typically by hiring adventurers.    The mages do not disregard the dangers presented by delerium’s contaminating properties. In fact, it is precisely because of these hazards that the mages believe only they can use the crystals responsibly. Thus, the Academy seeks complete control over this critical resource both to protect the wider world and to secure its magical hegemony for the foreseeable future. However, other factions are now moving to reclaim Halarahh and potentially install a new ruling dynasty. Such political upheavals could affect the Academy’s ability to research and harvest delerium. The Academy does not want a ruler who will destroy delerium, force the Academy to pay exorbitant sums to obtain it, or impose conditions on how the Academy may use the crystals. Ultimately, the Academy has zero interest in seeing Halarahh restored and rebuilt and views this as a folly doomed to fail. Rather, they have an ambitious plan to transform the city ruins into a quarry for their research and industry. Once they fulfill their other goals, the Amethyst Academy wants the other factions to totally abandon Halarahh so they can have sole control over the ruins.
(Once the center of the Amethyst Academy, the legendary Inscrutable Tower lies out of reach behind a veil of deep haze and many ravenous monstrosities)
(Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver)
Current Location
Aligned Organization
“Suffice to say, the Amethyst Academy has developed the means to harness the incredible arcane energies contained within delerium. We shall use it to create unfathomable magical wonders on a scale hitherto undreamt of, for the betterment and protection of all people. Only the Amethyst Academy has the knowledge to accomplish such a feat, and the wisdom to temper the wild and destructive potential of this volatile resource.”
– Archwizard Eldrick Runeweaver


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