Halarahh Settlement in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil


Halarahh was a cosmopolitan capital of possibly the most magical nation in all of Faerûn. While this was the seat of power for the noble government and was last ruled by the imperious House von Kessel. The city was a wonderland of magical goods and famous for its many grandiose architectural wonders. These magical structures defied the eyes of those lucky enough to travel here. The city prior to its collapse was very protective of its magical secrets and riches and did not allow those to visit, but its riches were known far and wide.   When the Year of Blue Fire came and the spellplague tore through Faerûn, Halruaa was hit extremely hard with Halarahh being destroyed in a reign of eldritch meteors. The destruction of the spellplague left the royal line and the succession in doubt which plunged the entire nation that remained into a bloody civil war. During this time Halarahh was ravaged by eldritch horrors with only the bravest survivors just trying to survive there. While the city settles into accepted chaos and the political order of the wider world lies in shambles, torn apart by religious schism and military conflict, only a faint hope remains that the city can be rebuilt and the nation restored.


Humans, dwarves, half-elves, gnomes, halflings, and a minority of elves, tieflings, orcs, and half-orcs.


Lordship / Royal Senate / Magecratic Council

Industry & Trade

Imports: Everything
Exports: Reclamation, Magical Relics, Treasure
  Currency: 1 pp = Starfall = 10 electrum Skie = 1000 copper Bits   Other Currency:
Dubloons (any foreign gold currency) = 1gp
Shillings (any foreign silver currency) = 1sp
Shaar Rings (small ivory rings, used by the plainsmen in the plains north of Halruaa) = 3gp


Emberwood Village

A small village that lies just outside the capital city, and is considered the doorstep of Halarahh and is still relatively intact as it was not directly damaged by the meteor shower. The town is rarely assaulted by the plagues of the Halarahh but unfortunately, the contamination in Halarahh has affected the countryside for miles around. The once fertile fields and dense woods are now barren and dying. Gradually, most folks gave up, departing for safer and more prosperous places. A few people remained behind, determined to hold onto their family homes and salvage their livelihoods. For those who are holding onto life in Emberwood or Halarahh, most goods come through Emberwood Village making it a vital supply depot.
(The village of Emberwood is as far as most merchants and suppliers will get to Halarahh)

Halarahh Garrison

Not far from Shepherd’s Gate lies the Halarahh Garrison. This building was the former stronghold of the city guard, and so made a perfect base of operations for the Hooded Lanterns. The Garrison takes up an entire city block; fortified stone walls extend from a squat round keep and enclose several barracks, stables, workshops, and storehouses. Deep beneath the garrison is a well-secured stockade prison. The Hooded Lanterns secured a major victory just last year when they drove out the monsters occupying the garrison. When the green cloaks discovered that the prison cells were sufficiently shielded and insulated from the Haze, Lord Commander Elias Drexel ordered it repurposed into living quarters and then began relocating his forces here. Since then, the regiment has expended considerable resources repairing the defenses. It has been a gruelling, dangerous, and time-consuming operation, but now the renewed fortress is the perfect strong point for launching future incursions deep into the city.
(The reclaimed garrison is the stronghold for the Hooded Lanterns and from here they will reclaim the city street by street)

Buckledown Row

This infamous row of dive bars and dingy taverns lies on the eastern outskirts of Halarahh. Decades ago, these were the choice watering holes for lower-class laborers, sweat-soaked craftspeople, and assorted scoundrels who inhabited the city. Today, Buckledown Row is a hub for outlaws, outcasts, scavengers, and worse. The taverns are mostly intact, and close enough to the edge of town for a band of ruffians to make the trek easy enough, but still far enough into the city to dissuade others from following. Ever since the Queen of Thieves brought the gangs under her influence, the street has been controlled by the Queen’s Men: bandits and brigands meet here on neutral ground, join in revelry together, trade with fences and smugglers, and only occasionally slit each other’s throats. There are few rules and even less order.
(Buckledown Row has its own brand of criminal etiquette which does not go well for most visitors)

Saint Selina's Monastery

This cloistered refuge lies on a small hill overlooking the Drann River in the South Ward of the city. Originally built when Halarahh only occupied the north bank, the city streets were built up around the monastery grounds over time. It served as the primary residence for the clergy of the Sacred Flame who tended the cathedrals and chapels throughout Halarahh. A few hundred acolytes and priests dwelt in humble comfort within its austere walls and living cells. Lucretia Mathias and her close followers began gathering here shortly after they completed the first pilgrimages of the Falling Fire. The area is completely covered by the Deep Haze and the nearby waters are contaminated, but those who complete the sacrament are immune to such hazards and can rest in Halarahh normally. As such, the otherwise lightly defended abbey is an ideal sanctuary for the most devoted adherents of the Falling Fire. Roughly a hundred sanctified members of the Falling Fire dwell within the monastery proper now, but hundreds more occupy the squalid campsite that has sprung up immediately outside the monastery
(The Deep Haze does not appear to affect the Followers of Fallen Fire making it the perfect sanctuary for their order)

Camp Dawn

Camp Dawn can accommodate five hundred soldiers, support staff, and stockpiled supplies, as well as stabling hundreds of draft animals, warhorses, and flying mounts. Not everyone here is a warrior, however: many are laborers, cooks, and clergy that assist the fighting force and run the day-to-day tasks around camp. Nevertheless, dozens of Sacred Flame strike teams are resting, training, or resupplying here at any one time, in addition to the posted guards in the areas this camp is always well-defended. The encampment operates under the same military standard one would expect from a front-line fortress on the eve of battle against a dangerous and duplicitous foe. The knights maintain a detailed roster of their personnel and equipment, with many checks and balances in place to follow up on missing patrols or misplaced gear.
(The Knights of the Sacred Flame prepare for war on the evils of Halarahh)
(Heraldry - Coat of Arms for House Von Kessel)


  • Halarahh
    Halarahh was a cosmopolitan capital of possibly the most magical nation in all of Faerûn. While this was the seat of power for the noble government and was last ruled by the imperious House von Kessel. The city was a wonderland of magical goods and famous for its many grandiose architectural wonders. These magical structures defied the eyes of those lucky enough to travel here. The city prior to its collapse was very protective of its magical secrets and riches and did not allow those to visit, but its riches were known far and wide.   When the Year of Blue Fire came and the spellplague tore through Faerûn, Halruaa was hit extremely hard with Halarahh being destroyed in a reign of eldritch meteors. The destruction of the spellplague left the royal line and the succession in doubt which plunged the entire nation that remained into a bloody civil war. During this time Halarahh was ravaged by eldritch horrors with only the bravest survivors just trying to survive there. While the city settles into accepted chaos and the political order of the wider world lies in shambles, torn apart by religious schism and military conflict, only a faint hope remains that the city can be rebuilt and the nation restored.
  • Buckledown Row
    This infamous row of dive bars and dingy taverns lies on the eastern outskirts of Halarahh. Decades ago, these were the choice watering holes for lower-class labourers, sweatsoaked craftspeople, and assorted scoundrels who inhabited Halarahh. Today, Buckledown Row is a hub for outlaws, outcasts, scavengers, and worse. The taverns are mostly intact, and close enough to the edge of town for a band of roughand-tumble ruffians to make the trek easy enough, but still far enough into the city to dissuade others from following. Ever since the Queen of Thieves brought the gangs under her influence, the street has been controlled by the Queen’s Men: bandits and brigands meet here on neutral ground, join in revelry together, trade with fences and smugglers, and only occasionally slit each other’s throats. There’s few rules and even less order. Flowing ale and gold tend to calm the most violent disputes, but for anything else the hidden fighting pit is the perfect place to settle feuds, make some bets, and lose a few teeth.   On the surface, Buckledown Row might appear to be the stronghold for the Queen’s Men in Halarahh. It’s certainly a gathering point for the gangs and a hub for illicit activity, and the visitors just might be able to make contact with the Queen of Thieves here. Alternatively, they might just want to crack some skulls in the fighting ring! The Queen of Thieves makes an appearance in Buckledown Row, usually appearing for a few hours on a Friday or Saturday evening to watch the best fights. The bandits that fill the streets and taverns might not notice strangers, but also are not afraid to stab or steal from anyone who seems like they don’t belong. Asking around the taverns and streets, it’s easy to gather that the fighting pits below the taverns are the way people around here get known. Many of the fighters in the pits are renowned legends amongst the gangs. Anyone who can defeat the other fighters gets to take a crack at the Queen’s champion in the royal fighting pits. Beat the champion, and you get a private audience with the Queen
    (Buckledown Row has its own brand of criminal etiquette which does not go well for most visitors)
  • Emberwood Village
    Two decades ago, Emberwood Village was little more than a farmers market, blacksmith, pub, a small chapel, and a few dozen cottages. The local businesses served the farmlands and logging camps surrounding the capital, and the town was an occasional rest stop for merchants to stop off on their way to Halarahh.   As the town lies some five miles north of the capital city, it was not directly damaged by the meteor shower. However, the impact shattered the windows of every building, caused some weaker structures to collapse, and left some in the village blinded or deafened. Unfortunately, the aftermath was all the more terrible. Over the past fifteen years, the contamination in Drakkenheim has affected the countryside for miles around. The once fertile fields and dense woods are now barren and dying. Gradually, most folks gave up, departing for safer and more prosperous places. A few people remained behind, determined to hold onto their family homes and salvage their livelihoods.   Emberwood Village persisted despite the odds. After the civil war, adventurers began showing up in the town. Explorers heading towards the dark city needed a safe place to tend their wounds and rest, and so Emberwood Village gradually became a sort of boom town on a new frontier for adventure.
    (The view of Halarahh's destruction from Emberwood)

Key Statistics

1385 DR

(An arcane warrior battles the eldritch horrors of Halarahh)
“My best tip for staying alive in Halarahh is to just kill everything that moves. No time to ask questions. Hesitation is dangerous.”
— Sebastian Crowe


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