Durnan Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

Durnan (Durr-NAN)


Durnan, the owner, and tavernkeeper of Yawning Portal Inn considers himself the self-appointed gatekeeper of Undermountain. He is known for having been a powerful adventurer in his youth and the first survivor of the Undermountain. This was one of the first instances of somebody surviving a foray into Halaster's property. He used the looted wealth to tear down the remnants of Halaster's Hold to build the Yawning Portal inn. He spread the information about the size and the wealth that could be found in Undermountain. Combined with the good location, on which he built his inn, it guaranteed him his living by selling equipment to people who wanted to enter the dungeon too. Durnan retired as an adventurer.   He is considered very wise and knowledgeable to the point of being considered a "thinking man's barbarian". He knew a lot about various weapons and martial arts, including from Kara-Tur and the Hordelands. While he had no spellcasting abilities of his own, he was knowledgeable enough that he could recognize the properties of a lot of spells.
(The Yawning Portal inn  owned Durnen and gateway into the infamous dungeon Undermountain)
Current Location
"I'll give you a free flagon of ale if you don't talk to me about the weather.”   — Durnan


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