Waterdeep Settlement in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil


Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North, was the most important and influential city in the North and perhaps in all Faerûn. It was a truly marvelous cosmopolitan city of great culture that attracted the most talented artisans, artists, and scholars from across the Realms, as well as a commercial hub for financial interests along the coast and beyond. It was one of if not the most powerful and influential member-states of the Lords' Alliance, the coalition of nations and city-states that sought to maintain order along the Sword Coast and the North.


Humans, secondary dwarves and elves, and a minority of halflings, half-elves, gnomes, half-orcs, and other.


Oligarchical City-State

Industry & Trade

Imports: Grain, livestock, leather, ore, timber and exotic goods   Exports: Ale, arms, cloth, fish, furnishing, leather goods, pottery, refined metals, and all other finished goods   Currency: 1 pp = sun = 10 gold dragons = 20 electrum sambar = 100 silver shards = 1000 copper nibs


Field Ward

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Sea Ward

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North Ward

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Castle Ward

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Trades Ward

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Dock Ward

Running the length of Waterdeep Harbor, this infamous lane is always crowded with strangers to the city just off the many ships that dock there.  

Southern Ward

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(Heraldry - Coat of Arms for Waterdeep)


  • Waterdeep
    Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North, was the most important and influential city in the North and perhaps in all Faerûn. It was a truly marvelous cosmopolitan city of great culture that attracted the most talented artisans, artists, and scholars from across the Realms, as well as a commercial hub for financial interests along the coast and beyond. It was one of if not the most powerful and influential member-states of the Lords' Alliance, the coalition of nations and city-states that sought to maintain order along the Sword Coast and the North.

Key Statistics

Alternative Name(s)
City of Splendors, Crown of the North
Inhabitant Demonym
Waterdhavian or Waterdavian
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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