The Queen of Thieves Character in Forgotten Realms+ | World Anvil

The Queen of Thieves


The Queen of Thieves is a scheming mastermind who controls the Halarahh underworld. She has transformed a hundred squabbling bands of brigands and outlaws into a burgeoning criminal empire. However, none know her true identity or origin, for she wears many faces. Though she is most infamously encountered as a lithe masked woman garbed in swashbuckling attire with a wide-brimmed hat and jeweled rapier, the Queen of Thieves adopts a variety of costumes, facial features, skin and hair colors, body shapes, ages, and genders depending on her mood and circumstances. As such, she typically confirms her identity by revealing some secret about whoever she is speaking with or demonstrating her uncanny ability to change appearance seemingly at will. The true power of the Queen of Thieves is her apparent anonymity as no one seems to know her identity which makes it very hard to level any background or potential personal connections against her.   The Queen of Thieves and the Queen's Men, see no reason for Halarahhh to change. As it is, the city is a bandit’s paradise. They scour the ruins for treasure, delerium, and lost magic items to sell to the highest bidder on the black market. Most outlaws don’t have any loftier goals, but the Queen of Thieves wants to expand her criminal empire. However, other factions are trying to gain ground in Halarahh. Driving them off isn’t a simple matter, either. Several of these new rivals are also potential customers: the Amethyst Academy pays top dollar for delerium. The pilgrims flooding into the city to join the Followers of the Falling Fire are easy pickings for shakedown and robbery as well. Others pose a more existential risk to the Queen of Thieves. If she pushes too hard against the Hooded Lanterns or the Knights of the Sacred Flame, a much more aggressive military crackdown could ensue. To preserve the delicate balance, the Queen of Thieves has resolved to deceive, blackmail, exploit, and outwit the other factions, but not to destroy them — that would be bad for business! Therefore, she aims to disrupt and sabotage the other factions’ goals. Perhaps she might even install a puppet on the throne of Halruaa!
(The Queen's Men protection of their territory is to the benefit of the people of Halarahh)
(The Queen of Thieves)
Current Location
Aligned Organization
“Halarahh is mine. Nothing moves in Halarahh without me allowing it to happen. I have eyes on every street, a fix on every prize, and tabs on every would-be band of fortune-seekers. Only one can rule this city — me.”
— The Queen of Thieves


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