BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



  • Gather information throughout Faerûn.
  • Promote fairness and equality by covert means.
  • Thwart tyrants and leaders, governments, and organizations that grow too powerful.
  • Aid the weak, poor and oppressed.

The Code of the Harpers

  • Harpers work against villainy and wickedness wherever they find it, but they work ever mindful of the consequences of what they do.
  • All beings should walk free of fear, with the right to live their lives as they wish.
  • The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and those who enforce them lenient and understanding.
  • No extreme is good. For freedom to flourish, all must be in balance: the powers of realms, the reaches of the cities and the wilderlands into each other, and the influence of one being over another.
  • Whatever it takes, a Harper will do. Pride never rules the deeds of a true Harper.
  • Freedom is a multiversal right, though Harpers can spare themselves less freedom than those they work to protect when the need presents itself.
  • Harpers police their own. A Harper who hears the call of personal power can no longer hear the sweet song of the harp. A Harper who seizes power, and holds it above all else, is a traitor to the harp. Traitors must die for freedom to live.
  • Without a past, no being can appreciate what they have, and where they may be going.
Primary Alignment: Good


  • Twilight Hall in Berdusk- Cylaria Dragonsbreath is the leader of the Sword Coast and Western Heartland Harpers
  • Harpers Hall in Silverymoon - Bran Skorlsun is the leader of the Northern Harpers
  • Castle Daleward in Deepingdale - Alifair The Blue is the leader of the Daleland Harpers


  • 1 CPA: +5 Circumstance Bonus to Knowledge check in a Harper Hall
  • 1 CPA: Transcribe a common spell from a Harper Hall
  • 5 TPA, 5 CPA: Exchange character trait for a new one
  • 5 TPA, 1 CPA: Receive a Harper Pin +1 Will save vs Mind Affecting Spells
  • 5 TPA, 5+ CPA: Gain a contact in a city (5 CPA +2 Diplomacy (Gather Information), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nobiity), Knowledge (Religion), 10 CPA +4, 15 CPA (+6))
  • 10 TPA: Purchase Spellcasting on Standard Faction Costs at 10% Less
  • 15 TPA, 2 CPA: +10 Circumstance Bonus to a Knowledge check in a Harper Hall
  • 20 TPA: Gain free passage on a merchant caravan or a merchant vessel friendly to the Harpers
  • 20 TPA, 5 CPA: Access a hidden cache of 500 GP worth of players choice of non magical equiptment within 2d6 X 10 minutes away from the character.
  • 40 TPA: Become a Senior Harper
  • 40 TPA, 40 CPA: Receive The Harper Pin


Though the Harpers are a loosely organized group with alot of personal autonomy. The leadership of the Harpers is still fractured since the Schism with Khelbun Blackstaff in 1371 DR, but the leaders have since mended several broken ties in the organization. There is the Harpers of the North, The Harpers of the Dalelands and the East, and the Harpers of Twilight Hall.   Cylria Dragonsbreath is considered the leader of the Harpers and she rules from Twilight Hall, Alifair the Blue has taken over leadership of the Dale Branch from Dove Falconhand, and Bran Skorlsun who Runs the Harpers out of Waterdeep.

Public Agenda

  • One can never have too much information or arcane knowledge.
  • Too much power leads to corruption. The abuse of magic must be closely monitored.
  • No one should be powerless.

No Extreme is good. For Freedom to flourish, all must be n balance: The Power of realms, the reaches of the cities and the wilderlands into each other, and the influence of one being over another

324 DR - 1371 DR The Harper Schism caused a disruption in leadership

Alternative Names
Those who Harp
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Manufactured Items
Related Items
"True, we must fight, it seems often enough to keep our swords and our tempers both sharp enough. Yet, know ye; all of us fight when we must, or die. Moreover, ye only hear of blades drawn and death and spells hurled, and never know of the many, many times that a quiet word or a skillful deal has turned enemies aside from each other, forced a way clear where none was before, or distracted foes from the eager task of tearing each other's throats out. That is the true Harper way: subtle and quiet, behind the shouting. Trust and wisdom, and outfoxing others is what we deal in." ” — Mirt the Moneylender explaining the Harper's purpose to Shandril Shessair

Harper Runes



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