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Methrammar Aerasumé

High Marshal

Methrammar Aerasumé is the half-elven ruler of Silverymoon and former High Marshal of the Argent Legion. The son of the renowned Lady Alustriel Silverhand, Methrammar is advised by his mother a great deal - a move welcomed by some former members of the Silver Marches, whose belief in the confederation lay only with Alustriel. Even without his mother's aid, Methrammar is still a competent and respected leader.   The children of Lady Alustriel of Silverymoon are the offspring of a woman who is both a prestigious ruler and a powerful wizard. Because of their parentage, society pressures the youngsters with high expectations. Methrammar Aerasumé, like many of Alustriel's children, grew up in the shadow of the lovely radiance of his mother.   Methrammar constantly tries to live up to the standards set by his mother. Early on, he showed a flair for weapons and enjoyed physical training as a fighter. He also showed promise as a wizard and followed in his mother's arcane footsteps. His diversified interests meant that he fell behind some of his siblings in magical skill, but his martial skill enabled him to develop a significant place for himself in the Silverymoon armed forces.   He quickly rose through the ranks to become the High Marshal of the Argent Legion, the army of the now-defunct League of the Silver Marches. He is talented, and he has dedicated himself to the defence of Silverymoon for his entire life. Despite all his skills, he worries a bit that he gained his position not because of his own merits but because of his mother's influence. He tries to set this insecurity aside and overcomes it from time to time when he succeeds at particularly challenging tasks.   Methrammar's soft-spoken ways and humble manners occasionally cause those who don't know him to underestimate him. Almost everyone who gets to know him has a healthy respect for his abilities and skills. He's honest and forthright, with strong ideas about what constitutes right and wrong. His word is his bond, and he'll do whatever he can to keep a promise. People often comment that he would make a splendid paladin. He gently rejects such suggestions, however, because his heart is dedicated not to a deity or an ideal, but to Silverymoon itself.


Family Ties

Methrammar is the son of Alustriel Silverhand, one of the fabled Seven Sisters. He also has a half-brother by the same father, the elven adventurer Tyresia.

Hobbies & Pets

Methrammar has a pseudodragon familiar which he calls Beau. Despite the creature's unusual behaviour at times, Methrammar is particularly fond of Beau. The two are usually together, even in combat or dangerous situations, although Methrammar does all he can to protect Beau from harm.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1401 DR 89 Years old
Current Residence
High Palace
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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