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Kara-Tur stands as one of the unique continents on Toril, as much as half of its land is under the control of one nation the Shou Lung. The Remainder of the continent remains divided but is heavily influenced by the large empire. For this reason, many nations pay heavy respect both politically and culturally and also draw cultural inspiration from the empire.   The Geography of Kara-Tur consists of many biomes and terrains; Large twisting rivers flow in the Center of the continent, providing large swaths of farmland and interconnecting riverways that empty into the celestial sea.   South of the River Plains lies the great Jungles of Malatra that cover the landscape except for the mountains of the Yehimals. This jungle sequesters the land from most trad routes except for those across the Spice Road. This great Jungle is only broken by the mountain peaks that poek above its sea of green, which envolpe the region. While much of the region is deep jungle some swapms and small cities an be found within, mostly supporting small bronze age or earlier civilizations. Some small kingdoms remain in the region,but carry little power.   Along the Western of the Continent lies the Yehimals Mountain Range, which divides the three continents that connect to it. The Yehimals serve an important religious purpose and physical barrier from the rest of the world.    North of the River plains lies the Great Valley and the Serpents Shadow. These lands consist of a savanna-Esque landscape that sits within the valley and along with its plateaus. The landscape is known for its lack of rivers and lakes, making any who traverses this landscape forced to bring their own provisions.    Further North of the shadow and valley across the Korya Mountains lies the Northern Wates. The Wastes are not a cold frigid land, but instead a land of great forests. In the Southern part of the water lies the Ama Basin, a great river system equal to those south, but covered in forest. Further north of the basin the Forests spread across the remainder of the land with only minor rivers and streams to feed them.    East of the Valley across the yellow sea and South of the Wastes lies the Broken Isles. A series of islands within the Celestial Sea. Mostly consisting of mountainous isles and forests with two large Islands and hundreds of smaller ones that encircle the yellow Sea.    Plains of Horses is the savanna that separates Faerun from Kara-Tur and is mostly inhabited by either Centaurs or Horse riding hordes. it is through this region that the Spice Road travels west. The Shou Lung maintains small keep and fortresses along the road, but they retain no control over the local terrain and only serve as secure outposts to defend local trade.    Norht of the Plain of Horses lies the Land of Snow Sprites, a Forzen wasteland that border the great ice Sea and is home to creatures such as Yetis and other snow creature that inabit the narrow land and mountains.    Political Situation:   Shou Lung- the Empire stretches from the Great Valley to the North of the River Plains. The Empire manages the Dragon Wall which separates and protects the empire from the Hordes of the North West. While in an arms race with its southern break-away state, that Empire has little worry about its legitimacy and current state. Both nations have agreed to temporary peace, which has allowed both sides to recover and prepare for war once more.    Tu Lung- Once a part of the Shou Lung, they broke away during a Civil war 30 years ago over the issue of leadership. Tu Lung operates under a strict autocracy with the Southern Emperor being a cousin of the current emperor who claims the current emperor lost the mandate of the ancestors. He has underseen many reforms that have led the would-be empire to prosperity and are currently in the middle of the cold war with its northern neighbor. The Recent peace has allowed him to secure his position and be ready for a future conflict to decide the fate of the empire.    Tabot- West of the Shou Lung in a valley of the Yehimals lies the theocracy of Tabot. A theocracy based around the path of Enlightenmnet religion and lead by the Lord of the oceans. This society rose out of the decree of religious unification by the Shou Lung in -660 that forced many of the manks to flee persecution and found this realm. The Land is mostly inhabited by Religious monks and small villages that seek peace and the freedom to practice their religion. For this reason the Realm pays homage to the Empire and is seen as a vassal. They have no greater ambition beyond religious peace and tranquility within their lands.   Island Kingdoms / kozakura- The Island Kigdoms are theoretically unified under the Kozakuran Emperor, known as the Emperor of the Skies. While the Shou Lung pride themselves on the death and slaying dragons of old, the Kozakura revere such dragons, and it is said that the emperor is descended from Bahamut. For this reason he is given the title of Emperor of the Sky and is passed down to the first son. The Siland Nations however have become divided with the Koryo in the north seeking independence under the power of a Local lord who has acquired great power. The Wa of the West seek greater decentralization of power and have formed a confederation of Villages to maintain order. The Islands have remained divided all through the Time of Troubles, but know the Emperor's Closest friend and Advsior seeks to end such division and create and empire to Rival that of the Shou Lung. Fo centuries the Islands have bowed before their might, now Yosh Par seeks to unify the Lands under Emperor and rumors say he seeks to colonize the Northern Wastes.   Malata Kingdoms- The Small Kingdoms in malata serve now relative consequence to the Empires of Shou Lung and Tu Lung, and serve mostly as vassal sates to the empire. However since the Civil War the kingdoms have sided with Tu Lung providing greater legitimacy their rule and ensuring a single front. Tu Lung has provided more aid and shared technology as of recent allowing the kingdoms to prosper and grow. For this reason they greatly support the Tu Lung in their endavor.
Shou Lung
The official head of the government was the Dragon Emperor, but he was aided in his duties by the Chancellor, who executed the Emperor's decrees, oversaw the bureaucracy, and determined what information was worthy of reaching the Emperor's ears. A Wu Jen was the Emperor's official court wizard, who advised the Emperor with divinations and dealt with magical threats. Around 1357 DR, the emperor was Kai Tsao Shou Chin. The government was composed of seven ministries: State, War, Magic, Faith, Sea, Agriculture, and Public Works (though there were occasions where the Department of State Security was referred to as the Ministry of State Security). It was a meritocratic system; every year the Civil Service Examination held examinations to test candidates for government jobs.   The Forbidden City was a walled compound that contained the Imperial Palace and the halls of government. Only governmental staff were allowed inside during the day, and during the night only the royal family and their domestic staff could remain; trespassers were punished by death. The nobility of Shou Lung was much weaker than those of most Faerûnian nations. They had less power than government ministers, and their private armies were kept small by law. They constantly schemed to wrest more power from the priesthood and bureaucrats.   For this reason, the emperor drove their power not from a sense of legitimacy but from the Ancestor's mandate. Each emperor was supposed to exemplify the key virtues of honor, humility, and temperance. These virtues lead to the development of the ministries and their rise to prominence in the government. To the outside public, the emperor is revered as a holy figure that never leaves their palace and rules with divine guidance, while those in government know that the Emperor serves as a more figurehead than an actual leader. With the massive meritocratic bureaucracy, many are unwilling to hand over the power they earned for themselves to a ruler who knows nothing of the world outside his palace and his special ministers.


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