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Faerun stands as the largest continent in Toril and one of if not the most diverse geographically. The Continent contains many nations, peoples, cultures, and religions. Making this land a melting pot of ideas and conflict. For this reason, many foreigners find the complexity of the continent confusing and in need of simplification. Many have tried and many have failed. Now in the aftermath of the spell plague and time of troubles the continent has entered a state of unusual peace known as the plague peace. Many across the continent however feel brazen as the last century of uncertainty and suffering now quiet has left many wanting more and brave. Would be great conquerers now wander the land gaining support for either conquest of existing kingdoms and empires or the settlement of new lands once left barren and unused. The great Turmoil of the last century has created many who can and will reach for greatness, empires will rise and fall, and only time will tell of their failures and glories.   In the South, the Quiet Magocracy of Halruaa waits and develops quietly in isolation, surrounded by barbaric kingdoms.   In the Southwest, the Peninsula of Chult houses may be secretive lizard kingdoms in jungles that seek to dominate and grow.   To the Southeast, the Shining lands begin to shine once more and trade from the west and south flourish, with trade with the utter east, remaining empty since the great burn.   The Plains of the Souther Shaar remain divided, but new Hordes begin to rise and charismatic leaders speak of great conquests north and the creation of the united Shaar   The great Rift remains quiet as settlers reclaim lost holds and defense redoubled in the face of renewed dangers.   To the Endless wastes, ideas of unification are under the great Ghengis Khan (Universal Ruler) with plans to unite the Shaar and conquer the North and West. The Plains of Horses also lays under his rule and he is faced with defending the East or conquering it as well. Whichever direction he and his followers march, shall burn beneath their feet..   In the East of the Fallen Sea, the sands shift anew with renewed devotion, new threats to potential homelands and the threat of Thay waiting to reap any who fall into chaos. Mulhourand, Unther and Tymanther now lay opposed to one another, each victim of circumstance trying to solidify their sovereignty against the others.   In the North East of the Sea, The King of Damara sought to unify the surrounding kingdoms under a confederation and create an empire of the Danes (HRE style with an electoral system for future rulers.) This would include all of the following: Damara, Vaasa, Impultur, Vesperin, Narfell, and the Great Dale. This new Empire would threaten the stability of the region and is provoking others to act out to assure their position in the world and or improve it.    In the Southern Sea the Ancient kingdoms and ruined empires linger, and yet with the completion of the Golden Canal trade in the region grows and the Sespech now stand poised to create an empire of their own. Akanul and Chessenta lay ripe for conquest by the new empire and the empty lands next to Sespech now lay ripe for colonization.    Across from the Ancient empire, the Turmish people have reunified under the Turmian who seeks to unify the clans and create a great Turmia across the peninsula and spread the mercenary culture across the continent, those who can conquer, must.   In the North West Sea the feudal and peaceful lands of Cormyr and Dalelands, now have their dominance threatened. new trade routes to the south and the rise of potential rivals in the region have the nobility worried for their power and they make strike out to preserve their position.   In the Lake of steam the many city-states have attempted to unify under a federation, have now failed completely with the completion of the Canal, and many now seek protection for rights to trade under the influence of the growing Sespech domain.   Across the Sea of Swords the new nations of Amn, Tethyr and Calimshan have solidified their legitimacy and created peace between the nations, but now seek to conquer foreign lands to renew their legitimacy and continue their wars of religion.   In the Moonshae Isles, the Sea of Pirates has been tamed by elven patrols and the native inhabitants are now threatened by the Elven moon Company and Elvish settlers seeking to claim the isles for themselves.   In the Far Northern Reaches, the Quiet but deadly lands have unified under new Banners and seek to expand their lands and settle the north, ruining the hopes of many southerners who sought the land for themselves. Yet while some rise, others fall, the Silver Marches have undergone great stress since the last horde and stands of the brink of breaking, only a miracle of unprecedented scale could hope to unify the fracturing region.   Along the Sword Coast, the Ancient alliance of the Lords has been weakened since the last Orc Horde, and many either call for the creation of a kingdom to protect the people or complete regional independence so they can protect themselves. increased raids, slave trafficking, and an increase in monsters lead many to worry another Horde will emerge from the mountains and the broken alliance will not be able to hold against this force.   The North West of the continent stands perfectly poised for a great conqueror to unify the region and create an empire of unparalleled power.   The raiders of the Sword Coast have been put under pressure by the Elven fleet, forcing them to change their way of life and threaten their position in the sea. They now face the decision of either settling down and accepting civilizing and mercantile life or fighting the elves to maintain their ancient lifestyle.
Most of Faerun exists in a late Fuedal development stage with the Age of Kings Duke and Counts now slowly entering the renaissance and Gundpower. In an effort, the delay the advancement great restrictions have been put in place on gunpowder production and the creation of new weapons. while most of the world retains such a development level Halruaa of the south actually retains a development level equal to that of the late industrial era using magic and Sordalite to power their creations.

Articles under Faerun


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