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The Plague Peace

Since the end of the Century long spell plague in the 1480s and the signaling of a new century the many city-states, kingdoms, and empires have existed in a state of unparalleled peace. However this was not a peace of agreement, but of circumstance. During the spellplague few nation fought as the plague ruined the lands and peoples to such an extent, that war was unreasonable. The dramatic loss in life, fighting capability and wealth meant infighting only did harm, and new leaders only gained a nation hanging by a thread.   In the decade following the restoration of the realm, the many states have not acted out against each other, many almost forgetful of how to wage a war in this diminished state and weighing the risks and benefits. But With the return of Evermeet, the spread of monsters, rise of new adventurers, increased prosperity, and vast swaths of unclaimed land everyone now sees that the benefits now far outweigh the risks.   All across the realms kings and queens begin machinations to expand their realms, influence and power. An age of Conlifct is in the making, a time where questions of religion, science, and people's place in the world. Racial tensions have risen, as mankind worries for its mantle of unquestioned supremacy is being eyed by elves, drow, and other races since the plague. Dwarves as symbols of conservatism and their greed have been largely the bearers of this tension, being cast out in small numbers for any grievance. Dwarves have become the scapegoat for racial tensions and an outlet that all use to say, at least we are not them.   The Plague allowed for gods old and new to rising and fall in power, this has created more religious tension and many gods seek to exercise their new power, others seek to rise despite their position through combat, and others see this as their chance during the conflict to finally rise to power.


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