Best -friend Serum


The discovery of this serum started when Bergren device, a clever Jack who earned his living by escorting different parties to typically dangerous locations, noticed a dense group of mushrooms he had never seen before upon returning to the spot where some impossible sand had been spilled in the past.   The tunnel which he normally used to transport people to and from The Imposible Desert had many twists and turns, Intrigued, he decided to set up camp in one of those secluded areas and began experimenting with this unusual occurrence during his downtime between jobs   His experimentation yielded even more interesting results than he had expected, with the Best -friend Serum being his best hit.  


  1. The sand needs to be ground to dust as it is in this form that the mycelium can absorb it better.
  2. Once the sand is fine enough, prepare the mycelium growing medium and add the dust between the layers.
  3. The mycelium will take around 3 months to grow enough to start producing mushrooms. The mushrooms will be imbued with the mind-altering properties of the sand for 6 months after the mycelium starts producing. They can be harvested during that time.
  4. Collect the mushrooms, clean them, and add them to the fermentation barrel.
  5. Add a quarter of the weight of the mushrooms in Sweet woof. Add two pieces of cinnamon, the juice of two oranges, and a piece of yeast (roughly similar to a single mushroom).
  6. Fill the barrel with enough boiling water to cover the mix. After it is covered, add 3 more fingers of water.
  7. Cover the barrel and let it ferment for 3 days. Remove the mixture once a day, every day.
  8. After 3 days, filter the liquids and boil them. You will notice a shift in coloration towards pink. That's the cue to add half a spoon of extremely crushed dust sand. You will need to mix it vigorously until it is dissolved.
  9. Once you are absolutely sure it is dissolved, cover it up and let it cool down.


The Best-Friends Serum, as its name suggests, induces an hallucinogenic state in the person who ingests it. In this state, the individual perceives everyone in their vicinity as their best friend and confidant, someone to whom they feel comfortable revealing anything and everything. Once the effects wear off, they retain a vague recollection of their actions and experiences during the influence.   These two effects combined make the Best-Friends Serum an exceptionally effective truth drug.


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