Cliff Darken


Cliff and his brother, Moray, were born in the black slums of River's end. This slums were dedicate to the people who deal with the death and dying people. As such, their parents were part of the original subversibe group, which turn into the black council, and they grow up into it.   He became a practical and utilitarian person, adept to dealing with people dead and alive alike. His brother was more imaginative and visionary, more adept into dealing with numenera, than people.   This culminated into a fervent discursion, when Cliff discover his brother has used his numenera knowledge and his priviledges to study the Subversive Spire and wanted to change it target into destroying every royals in the peninsula, without even consulting the council. This would raise quite some more atention to the disease and potentially alert them of its real nature. He manage to make him see his point of view and cancel the modification, without having to involve the rest of the council.   Unfortunately, his brother mood turn dark after the incident and he disapeared one day, without any notice. it took a while, but he managed to locate him, before he managed to end his life in dangerous ruin run after dangeroues ruin run. Cliff shallow his pride, which view those from Serene as those who took charge of their fight, after things were already partially organized and arranged to move there with the hope to help his brother.   Once there, he was given residency inside of Serene, the Ship. The cultural difference between the two cities was a small cultural shock. Of course, he has been given histories of the old way by his parents and he still practice some of them in secret. But seing it all, in relative open practice in the ship was a small shock. He learned regading the dificulties perfoming The Last Remembrance rituals, as the royals consider them dirty and profane. He saw this as the oportunity to put his brother telents to work, to hopefully improve his health. Between the two of them, they started to organize good places for the rites and numenera to allow for them. This allow him to get up the track on the black council, where his stand as a colored assistant.   Apendix (meeting the keeper of the sea) Some time after his arrival to Serene, after he has proposed a few ideas regarding how to avoid detection when performing the remembrance rites. A woman, named Coral, presented herself in his room, She was one of the keepers of the sea and her new supervisor. Cliff had hear stories about the old keepers, the mediators of spirit between the people and the sea, but up to this moment he throught them gone, after the end of the The unification war. To his surprise, she was not wearing any of the distintive signal of the darken profesion, because that was not his profesion. The people of Serene, even before the council, have keep them hidden and safe from retaliation. After this presentation, and to his surprise, she took him to another room in the ship. A woman was about to give birth and the baby would need the blessing of the sea.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cliff is a tall man, with traditional penisular skin and complexion. His muscular tone, come from his job with dead bodies, since he was very young. As does his plain black clothes, imposed to mark him by his profesion. His eyes are brown, and there is always a warm spark to them. His hair, as black as his clothes, is always neatly braided out of the way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cliff felt like his life has been set up for him, without allowing him to make any maniful choice. He was born darken, so he could only do bussines with the dead. In a way, his first choice, was to leave behind the prejudice regarding those on Serene and move there to help his brother.   Now, he is starting to realize, he may have always done what was expected of him, but this has always been his choice. As a member of The shadow council, he has always had more choices, that those around him and it is coming to terms to this realization, while taking care of him brother.   The familiar and vibrant environment in the ship, has also show him why is Serene the one taking the inicitiave in the fight. He is now ready to challenge the views of those in River's end to try to export this enviroment to his natural city.
Current Residence
Brown, with warm spark in them
Black and neatly braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown with green hue


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