The unification war Military Conflict in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The unification war

The Conflict


On the year 290AT, the king of Entrelai declares the whole area between the rivers from the sea to the mountains, their kingdom. This encorage a group of settlements in the east of the country, which have comercial ties to each other, to form the The redwood alliance. They send envoys to the king, to protest for this anouncement, requesting their lands to declared outside their kingdom. The king offers their lands to the leaders of the alliance if they surrender to him. They consider this an insult and request, the royals to leave their area immediately.


While The redwood alliance is at first sucesfull to not only hold their area but repel the advance of the Entrelai gaining territory. This was because of the collaboration between the human and culovas population who lived in the area. culovas were really effective warrios, as they were terrifiying to those who were not used to their presence   But after the conflict strech throught the year, several factors started to get the battle go towards the Entrelai side of the conflict:
  • The chain of comand of the Entrelai forces was centralized thought the kind, while The redwood alliance by nature has several voices and factions all tagging to their areas
  • The shock faction of the culovas warrios start to decline and it was used by the royals to paint a bad light towards the The redwood alliance side


There was several effect of this conflict, that still can be seen today:
  • The king sentence all of those who fought in the alliance side to be slaves in Spiralai, this permanently decrease the influence of the comunity of hunters, which group together most people who normally did the kind of jobs, the slaves were set to do.
  • The north-east of the country was left very unpopulated and is still, the wildest area of Entrelai to this day
  • non-human creatures are to this day consider monster and even if intelligent, are not treated as equal.
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
The Entrelai side won the war, destroying the The redwood alliance


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