Conclave Islanders Ethnicity in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Conclave Islanders


Shared customary codes and values

The islanders all share a love and reverence for the sea, considered the mother of all of them. She would give all their children plenty of gifts but demands resourcefulness and a ready body and mind to collect them.   The Elders protect the island, their imponent and inmutable visage, visible from any of the island. The give the best warning any father can give. From here, you are on your own. We can't hold your hand anymore.

Common Etiquette rules

All etiquette in the island, revolves gift-giving. When and how to share your gift is an important matter, which everyone in sociaty must learn. You should never ask for a gift, as this is selfish, but accept what is given. You should as well, consider what other need, to present them as gift.

Common Dress code

Fabric is done with vegetal fibre, both from under and above the sea. For a day to day basis, it is: Long arm blouse and loose trousers, tied at the waist. If working in land Long tunic with a small undergarment when working in the sea A staw hat to protect agaist the sun. The hat is normally decorated with sea shells. For ocasions, trousers are switched for either tunics or skirts. They are heavily decorated with sea motives


Beauty Ideals

Strong arms show a equally strong heart - common islander say. The people in the island, are above all, practical people. The value hard work and cooperation above else. Hard work,involve a lot of exercise, so people are normally very muscular, specially in the torso and the hands area. It also normally happens in the sun, which translate to tan skin. Blue eyes are rare, but consider specially beatiful, as it's the color of the sea. Completly black eyes are equially rare, but consider a omen. The person has been touched by the old ones, for good of bad.

Relationship Ideals

Formalizing a relationship is very different depending if its happening inside the same tribe or if the couple belong to different tribes. In the first case, in one of the montly gathering, they anounce their intention to gift themselves to the other. They are given a common space to share together and double matress to be used only for them. In the second case, the process is more formal. It start by requesting the council of both tribes for the union to be approved. This is normally granted. The union itself happen after the gratitude festival. The tribe which has given the least, gift their half of the couple to the other tribe.
Languages spoken


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Jul 1, 2023 16:47 by Sailing Ocelot

I wonder what different gifts may symbolise? I find it interesting that supposedly in Victorian times, gifting different flowers had different meanings. Could one give a gift as an insult? How would folks put their personality in a gift and make it truly special? There are also lots of lovely myths and stories about gift giving to royal family members or lovers, which could be a wonderful addition to this culture! I have enjoyed your description of the clothing, I can imagine some of the colours that they may wear, based on the materials found under the sea, or floating around. Nice!

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot