MOSEA Language in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil


The Mosea language is one of the at least two languages that every Conclave Islanders learn. This is the language of their Mother, The Sea. It's name is a contraction of Mother Sea.   This language doesn't have words and phrases as it is not used to communicate with other people, but to listen to the different ways She speaks to everyone and be able to respond appropriately. It uses the light of the sun and the stars, the vibration of the waves, and the shape of the clouds to read the concrete location of the reader against The Elders and, by reference, everything in the archipelago and beyond.  

The light of the sun and the stars

The way to listen to the light of the sun is by calibrating its position relative to the stars when it rises above the horizon, and then taking note of its location in the sky at any point. This will tell you the time of the day and the time of the year. To know where you are, you only need to cross-reference this information with the known location of the stars over The Elders.   Mirrors are used to speak. They utilize the concentrated light of the Sea-towers under different color prisms to convey information to anyone passing through the island. Additional information can be provided by obscuring the lens at regular intervals, creating a pattern.
  • Red: Emergency, urgent help required
  • Purple: Health emergency. Keep away from the island
  • Yellow: Surplus production available to trade
  • Green: Imminent festival, come and celebrate
  • The vibration of the waves

    There are known tides on this side of The Elders, which are as precise as the sun. If you listen to the vibration of the waves, they will tell you the direction you are traveling. A perturbation in their vibration will warn you of storms, nearby land, and if any of the massive creatures, which can roam the open seas, are nearby.   On land, a variation of this language is used to create music during festivals. This way, we share our joy and express gratitude to our Mother in her own language.  

    The shape of the clouds

    Listening to the clouds will help you differentiate between the open sea, the reef, and the land as well.
  • If they move like a monster is trying to catch them, all that surrounds you is open sea.
  • If the move, like at the speed of lovers saying goodbye. You are getting close to land.
  • Listening to their color is also important. Darker-tinted clouds mean you are reaching the mainland, while pink ones mean you are close to the reef. This is the language we speak the best. By feeding certain materials to a fire, we can create clouds that, during the day, can be seen farther away than the light from the Sea-towers.
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