Ellula Woodmer

Who is she? She is a merchant of Serene. She sells cypher and small artifacts, she traffic from adventures, which afterwars sell to visiting nobles for water treatments, for profit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

@spirala. In exchange, she wold provide an advance, for variety. This would need, all of her resources, but after her invesion, the noble did not follow throuth. She challenge him, to recover her inversion, but she was dismissed. This leave her with very little resources left, so incapable to resource more cypher, via the most secure methods of commerce. She was left with the option to scavege them herself, which she started doing. Unfortunatelly, finding cyphers while not being trained on how to identify, the best ones, is not a fast or safe bussines. While in one of the ruins, she learned of the failed The redwood alliance. And how, even after all this time, it still survived inside the forest. Still resentfull, for those who ruin her, she decide to try and make contant and see if insterest could align.   After sucesfully making contac, a deal was striken. Some areas of the forest were full on the kind of cypher, she normally comerce on, which they could provide. But they wanted to interest her in another bussines. Selling pre-arrangled adventures to nosy nobles. From which they could extract, the most insteresting targets. And any information she was able to hear.


She is a merchant, like their parent were before her. She was scholled in bussines and maths, while helping on his father bussines. Wood and paper importing. She ranged out to Cyphers, more lucrative.


She is still a merchant, after her sucesfull deal with the remants of The redwood alliance. She did come back to Cypher selling. But she also branched out to two different ventures:
  • Adventure packages to anyone who can pay: Both the list of clients and the routes are know by the The redwood alliance. Most of their employes are from their numbers as well. If any client is on their bad list / or has something subtancial, the party is raided. Of course, most people survives, "thanks to bravery and determination" of their guides, putting their life in the line to defend them. Notables sceptions are the targets of said raids.
  • Information traffic: As someone, in constant contact with those nobles speding time relaxing in the coast and her good origin, she is able to hear a great deal of gossip and plans regarding their plans regarding the forest. All this information is send back to The redwood alliance

Personality Characteristics


Spite towards those in charmonde, who ruined her, without ever realizing the consequence of their actions, is the most powerful one. Profit and remain on her good life style, is a good second. With a relative distant third, of sympathy towards The redwood alliance people, which she saw as colleagues of misfortune.


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