The redwood alliance Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The redwood alliance

Public Agenda

To keep their territory for themselves, free of royal intervention.


When families Armalu and Sinclave headed towards the recently discovered walled area, in the east, that would become Spiralai. Many people follow then, specially those living in the surrounding are. But many more prefered to live in the wild, loosely associate to each other, without ties. The towns in the west, specially, formed a loose association for comerce and information called The redwood alliance. When news regarding the proclamation of their general area as part of their kingdom. They decide to formalize their aliance, to fight what they consider an external invader, trying to steal their territory. They first attempt was diplomatic. After all, journey and information takes some time to travel, and the people in Spiralai may not have heard of their informal alliance.   They king, receive them but refused to recognize their alliance. He did offer, if they bow to him, disolve the alliance, and recognize their soberanity, to name their leader one of his nobles. He would rule the alliance domains, with some autonomy, under his rule.   For the The redwood alliance, this could not fly, as independece was a really important part of their area.   They rush to form a volunter army, to defend their area. Not all the member of this army were human, as several settlements of culovas, inside the westwood forest, were part of this alliance.


Unfortunatelly by the The redwood alliance, after several braves battles, while they seem to have the upper arm. They started to loose ground. The war end in the year 100AT, where the survivors, where put in chains and drove to Spiralai to stand before the Kind.   The Kind condem all of those who have fought in the war, and their families to slavery in the city.   For years, afterwars, the army used in the war, was employed to find this people and bring them to "justice" in Spiralai.   Many of them took refuge in the forest, as this area has never been fully reclaimed.

280 AT - 305 AT

Alliance, Generic


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