Lucarian people Ethnicity in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Lucarian people

After loosing The unification war, many of the people forming the alliance, retreated to the westwood forest, under the protection and invitation of the different races living there before. This invitation, did come at the price, they learnt and accept the rules of the forest itself. Some only stayed in this area, for a limited time, until the slave raid stopped, but other decided to permanetly stablish their home here, outside of the royals influence.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The family names were the name of the different villages, they did originally come from. As a reminder of what they had lost.


Beauty Ideals

Because the constant intereaction with still humanoid but non-human race. They have more animalistic version of beauty. There is also a contant presure for practicality, as there main idea of those living in the forest is not to take more than is needed.

Gender Ideals

The culovas are a clearly matriarchal society, whit females being both in charge of defense, politics and reproduction. But after birth, most of the care of the infants and support activities is being done by males. This has expread, with some modification, towards the humans settlements, that decided to stay. So most warriors/tribe leaders are female and after the breastfeding, the regular care and eduction of the children is being done by males.

Courtship Ideals

After the warriors return from a succesful hunt or battle, the whole tribe, celebrates with a small feast. After the feast all warriors choose normally a man, as most warriors are woman to stay the night with. The choosen one is not really asked about this, but there are ways for them to show, they do not wish to be choosen, that are normally honored by everyone.

Relationship Ideals

There are fomal ways to express long relatioship, If a couple decides to use them. If a couple decides to use them, they would only be available to pick each other, as picking other is frown upon. This formality is not compulsory. It is in fact, more common, to bind ties, even when the female keep choosing the same male.


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