
What are they? The are abhumans, inteligent genetic mixtures of animal and humans that roams the land. They are characterized by refusing to use any advance technology, specially numenera. They are tribal and nomadic. Their villages are located in mointains and hard to reach valleys. They are constructed to be easily packed and moved to other location, if the situation requires it.

Basic Information


Magyr are a humanoid species, with morphologic characteristic of goats, which manifest normally in the higher side of their torso. Their torso and arms have strong musculature, and their feet are prensile, like their hand. They are in average, stronger than a regular human, but less intelligent. They have a sexual dimorphism, males have longer and stronger nails in their hands and goat like horns. Female don't have horns, nor nails, but they have wider hips, and feet. They are also slender and have several breast in the chest (2 or 3 pairs).

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are a warrior like culture, where phisical force is paramount. Their leader is choosen based on ritual fighting. If anyone feel like the current leader is not doing a good job, it can challenge him to a fight. This fights are ritualistic, the winner takes the leadership. If the looser accept the defeat and submit to the winner. I will reasumed his position in the tribe. Otherwise, the fight continues, until the looser either submit or die.   Females do not participate in male leadership fight, intead they run the tribe. Both food and grooming rituals are only performed by them, which means only the males which have the most female support can actually win those battles.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most of their perception is visual. A Magyr has a visual perception that can easily duplicate the avarage human. Their feet and hand has also specialized receptors which can perceive vibrations, this sense is use to detect how stable is the terrain where they are moving thought, but i can also be used to detect, others approaching their area. The rest of their sense are average, but when the ocasion requires, they can create a strong vocalization to signal other of danger.
30 years
Average Height
1.50 to 1.65 m in males
1.60 to 1.70 m in females
Geographic Distribution


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