The dark montains Geographic Location in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The dark montains

There are two specific mountain ranges, that Entrelai people have in mind, when they spoke about the dark mountains. Only adventurers, who are activily trying to reach them. And the people living in North Entrelai, who are in range of enduring them, made a distintion between them. For the rest of the country, they are just a neboluous place full of danger to avoid.  

Where are they?

The dark mountains are not just one range of mountains but a series of mountain ranges, which exist on both sides of the the divide between and The Beyond For those who divide them, the division are:
  • The near darks: they are the smaller hill area locate north the city of Greenleaf, so still in the Entrelai area. Many lords have promised to clear this area from the abhuman menace, but any effort have been insuficient and it has normally follow a series of serious attack to the fronteir area, with reinforment from the far darker mountains
  • The far darker: Those are in the other side of the river, already in The Beyond. This mountains are stepper and more dangerous than the near ones. There are rumours or coordination between the brand of ahumans who lives in both areas.

Why are the inhospitable?

These mountains are not only spotted by the remains of the old worlds, but also with colonies of violent abhumans, who frequently raid any settlement nearby.


The near dark are not very tall mountains, that are covered by a full temperate forest. They also have several valleys between them and are full of caves.   The far darker are a full on montain chain, the hills are stepper and the region is still covered by a temperate forest, but regions where the tree look sickly are more common, than those in the near dark. Adventures confirm there are more caves, most of them with broken machinery, in them. Some speculate, that whatever is creating the arid stepes north, have their origin in this montanous range.
Alternative Name(s)
The abhuman montains
Mountain Range
Inhabiting Species


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