Nammura trails / Nammura Sinclave Character in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Nammura trails / Nammura Sinclave


Nammura is a well traveler Arkus who currently direct the Serene Bath-house Guild. She is exactly the kind of person, you would expect for that position. A well learned cortesan who has master the art of listening to anyone and everyone and can easily bring the best part of anyone who spent any time conversing with her.
Her long brown hair, normally partially braided, frame perfectly her face and compliment her eye color perfectly. Even her slitly unusual Numenera ears, an old gift from the leader of the numenera guild, blend perfecly in her figure. It's not surprise, that every person who is currently trained by her guild is the perfect example of virtie, when you speak with the person doing the teaching. The only disapoinment, when speaking to her, is how little time she has to spare to the rest of us mortals, who are not learning from her guild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a graceful figure, which she normally acentuate with drapped dresses, beautiful corset to acentuate her curves and delicate scarfs. While outside, her hair is completely braided but if she is in a formal ocasion, she will only partially braid it, to allow it to frame her face and her numenera ears more adequatly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nammura is the ilegitimate dauther of [father-name] of the sinclave family. A high noble family in the capital. She was brought to be educated by the family, to be cortesan at the royal court, when her mother died. During her formative years, she prove to be a rebelious and difficult pupil. This is why, when one day she disapeared from the city, there was very little outcry or attempt to locate her. In fact, what was a surprise, was her reapearence in Serene, in the form of a perfect cortesan teaching the art of servitude and nobility in one of the most prominent guilds of Serene. Since this discovery, she has come a long way to mend the relationships with her father family and her old teachers, with many of them seaking her advice or her company in recent years.  


Nammura was educated to be court cortesan, to the highest standard of the nobily in Spiralai. This means, she had individual tutors, teaching her regarding:
  • The history of Entrelai and known ancient history
  • Art and Literature in the civilized west
  • Musical theory and practice
  • Geography and politics
  • Correct behaviour and ettiquete
  • Beauty and the aplication of correct companionship
  • After she ran away from the city and formal education, she has receive a less formal eduction on subterfuge, disguise and truth manipulation.
    Current Location
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Other Affiliations


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