Serene Bath-house Guild Organization in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Serene Bath-house Guild

The bath-house guild is one of the most powerful and rich guilds in Serene. The guild's influence is derived from its monopoly on defining what constitutes an official bath-house within the city. The guild's power extends beyond mere recognition and includes the authority to train and provide workers for the bath-houses.   To support the maintenance of the guild and the continuous training of the workers, every establishment is required to pay a fee. Additionally, a small fraction of each worker's earnings is also collected for the same purpose.

Organization structure


The guildmaster is the head of the organization. They run the guild and make all the decisions affecting it as a whole. Even when the masters in the different sections act as a council to advise the guildmaster, the final decision always comes from the guildmaster. Like all the other guildmasters, the appointment is done officially by the governor. In practice, it is done by the civil servant who runs the governance on their behalf.  


The run a distintc section of the Guild, and together act as a council to advise and help the Guildmaster run the guild. They are appointed by the Guildmaster personally. However is considered, a bad practices for a newly appointed guildmaster to change any of the master, in their first years on the office. There are four master:
Administrative Master: They oversee the day-to-day operations of the guild. Their responsibilities include granting licenses for new establishments, providing guidelines for bath-house standards, conducting inspections, to ensure those are kept and imposing fines when they are not. They are also in charge of collecting the guild fee and maintaining accurate records.
Development master: They oversee the schooling program aimed at providing fully trained personnel for all bath-houses in Serene. After the completion of training, they also maintain a mentorship program for all former students.
Heraldry master: They represent the guild in public. They engage in political lobbying with the governor, establish and maintain relationships with other guilds, and ensure proper communication channels for the strategy section to carry out its duties effectively.
Strategy master: They are the most secretive division of the guild. They ensure the organization's private agenda continues to develop. They also provide advanced training for the most skilled members of the guild.

Rest of the guild

Below each master, the organization further subdivides into aids, experienced members, members, and trainees. The aids are entrusted with a number of experienced members under their wing, acting as mentors, guides and overseers. These experienced members, in turn, are assigned trainees to train and impart their knowledge and expertise upon. This organization only varies a little bit under the training aid, as the students are tranfered to a mentor, when they graduate.
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Public agenda

The first priority for the agenda of this guild is to ensure the smooth operation of the numerous bath-houses in Serene. Given that many of these establishments are located in the city's most affluent areas, it is imperative that they are maintained to the highest standard.   The second priority is to engage in political lobbying with the governor and other nobles in the city to ensure the interests of this guild are maintained. This also includes lobbying to the rest of guilds in Serene as much as with the nobles.   The third, equally important, is to uphold a reputation for excellence in the services provided by guild members working in any bathhouse. Over time, this reputation will expand to other cities, making the guild the first place where bath-houses from other cities come to request traines when they seek excellence.

Bath day

Bath Day is a heavily discounted day run by most bathhouses outside of the most privileged areas every other weeks. This offers almost anyone an opportunity to soak up occasionally. While the bathhouses are more crowded than usual during these days, the initiative, which has been introduced recently, has already reduced some diseases in the area.


Originally, the bath-house guild was created after The unification war ended to transform Serene into a better holiday destination for noble families in the rest of the kingdom who could afford it.   As such, it started with a significant amount of capital to make this transformation possible, symbolized by the wonderful building that was constructed for it. However, it did not have the best relationship with the rest of the guilds or the people of the city. The early members also received very few services for an extremely burdensome fee. It wasn't until some time later, when the number of bathhouses increased and the guild's reputation began to rise, that this changed to a more favorable relationship.


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Jul 6, 2023 03:55 by Joella Kay

I like the Bath Day. How often do they have it?

Jul 9, 2023 10:20 by Laria

Thanks for the comment. it's supposed to happen every other week or so. it was supposed to be in the text, but I seem to have forgot to add it