Newborn bleesing

In most areas of the region, newborn mortality is still quite high. While those who are related to the study of the numenera and those affluent enough to hire them can acquire artefact or cypher which can increase the probabilities, the outcome is never guaranteed. Even less so, for the common population.   For this reason, newborns are not named, nor presented into society, until the 3rd full moon, after their birth. If after this point, the newborn is still alive and healthy, a celebration to welcome them to this world happens. The celebration varies from place to place, and according to the different social classes.
  • For the higher classes: This is considered the first social event for the newborn and it treated acordingly, With invitations to other imfluential families. A lavish banquet, and in some cases, even the first temtatives, regarding the future posible aliances they can adquire thought marriages and other relationships
  • For the common people: The gathering normally happens in the comunal area for the village or the neighbourgh, instead of particular houses. No formal invitations are issues, instead using worth of mounth. Everyone is free to attend, but since a small present for the newborn is comon place, not everyone attends
  • SInce the settlement of Melomyr happened. The people there, has starting to associate, when good music comes out of the The Trilling shard to good fortune for the newborn. Disonant music, is considered a bad omen.


Regardless of the class, the main events is always as follow:   The new parents will get to the centre of the congration and present the newborn to the present. They will give them a name. The rest of the present will repeat the name and ask for the protetection of the old ones to watch over the newborn. The presents will then share some small token with the family, This tokens will vary depending of the social circles this happens. But it will normally be food or clothes in lower clases. Higher clases gift will vary depending of the person, but it can also involve small jelwery or even numenera.     If the newborn does not survive, The event happen in the next dark moon after its death, instead. The couple is acompanied by all of those who care about them, both in the comunity area and in their own house. In the place where the unnamed newborn was buried, some new trees, crops or flowers are planted. This happens to ensure the spirit of the newborn doesn't decided to stay and prevent more pregnancies or even worse cause stillborns in the future.


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