The Trilling shard Item in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

The Trilling shard

I first heard its music from the distance, while traveling first to the valley of sins. I have never heard anything more beautiful or uplifting in my life, nor seen the iconografy on it before. It was early in the day, but we decided to set camp in his base and admire it for the rest of the day.
  The city of Ellomyr was build surrounding a black metallic shard, that emanates from the ground. The shard is cylindrical on its base, around 2m diameter, reaching into the sky for at least 35m. Its shape becomes more linear, the higher up it gets, as if the cylinder was folding into itself, ending on what it looks like a triangular shape, with several thins protuberances, that caps the structure. It completely covered in symbols, the meaning of which has eluded anyone who has looked into them. Some of those them are carved into the metal, in different deeps, but other, specially circular shapes, are actually raised over the structure, with 3 specifics ones not actually touching it, but instead hovering in top of it.   The name come from the musical like sound it makes frequently, this sound are not necessarily linked to the wind, but seem to come from inside the shard, at specific times during the day. The most regular schedule happens at midday every 2 days and at sundown every 3 for a random amount of time. The rest of its music seem to come in a more random fashion, the longer time the shard has been playing it music has been 12 hours straight, just after the villagers arrived to the valley, ready to settle. This gave it the name of The Trilling shard  and it was considered by almost every villager as a good omen for the future.   From time to time, the normally melodic musics it plays turns into a psychotic cacophony of very jarring sounds. This normally does not last. A small group of volunteers, gather after it finished ,to patrol around the village for a few days afterwards, as it's consider a bad omen and a potential indicator of a foreign raid.   The shard is used as the main focal community point, next to the Ellomyr town commons, but a small group of people, reunites around the shard every week, to try to discern what more information regarding the symbols, if the music could be activated at will, more music could be played by it or if it can serve any other use to the village


2m at the base


More than 35m


Cylindrical on it base, taking a more linear shape higher up ending in a triangle
Item type
Current Location


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