Responding town Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

Responding town

Responding town is the largest mining town in Entrelai. The are situated in the Murmuring Hills valley, next to its river.
Best place to get metals and paper

The town has been developing around the mountain veins, They have several big veins of gold and silver, which are mostly sent to Spiralai to convert into very popular ornaments for clothes, armour and other utils.
There is also a considerable amount of copper, which is used for military purposes, and small amounts of metal-synt, used for numenera repairs and experiments.
Sulphur is also obtainable, even when it is more dangerous, as it involves getting closer to the active area of the mountain, where magma veins can appear by surprise, which is usually a death sentence.
In the recent times, thanks to the increased wood production in the red-wood settlement, a florishing paper indutry has been born.


The Responding town is clearly divided in 3 sections:
  • The mining section, which spirals from the river, up to the mountain
  • The industrial section, down in the river, as it uses it for a good portion of its labour force. As artefact are considerably more efficient, but they are also more expensive to use and repair
  • The merchant section, is considerably smaller, where most of the metal (and paper)is sold
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
An interesting name
It got its insteresting name, from the town creation mythos. Acording to the town history, the hills called them to this place, as the place to extract its riches. This history named both the hills, which called the people, Murmuring Hills as the town which responded to the call, Responding town.


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