River heart Settlement in Forgotten tribes of the Ninth World | World Anvil

River heart

River heart is one of the few permanent settlements in The Frontier Forest. It's located in the north of the forest, in one of The Forest River affluents.


This settlement is not the home of a particular tribe, as most are nomadic. Instead, it is a place of commerce and diplomacy between all of the tribes. Human or not. Here any member of any of the forest tribes can come, trade or parlay with any other member of any other tribe. To ensure all tribes have equal access to River heart, there are known paths between each of the tribes' territories, which connect them to this place. Anyone wearing the proper attire, a braid from the old dragon trees, should be allowed a right of passage. Attacking a person wearing this braid on one of the known paths, risks the whole tribe being denied access to its resources in the future.
The old dragon nest
The locals call this area Old Dragon Nest, this is due to a specific species of tree, typically referred to as silver dragons, which is endemic to this area of the forest. The silver dragon tree branches are slim and serpentine, with what looks like silver wood in contrast with the deep red branches of the more common trees. This gives the impression of an old dragon flying through the forest towards its nest.
The heart
This mysterious device, can when used by their chosen person, transport anyone from River Heart to Forest Heart, on the other side of the forest, as travelling long distance inside the forest is dangerous, this has been instrumental in the comunication between different areas of the forest and the reason of the creation of this two special settlements.


River heart ruler is The heart of the river. The person is chosen by the mysterious numenera device which connects this settlement with its twin in the south, Forest heart. Once elected, They will serve as The heart until their death. They will inherit knowledge and control over the device and choose a few delegates to help them in this task. This settlement has only 2 rules:
  • No violence, outside training exercises
  • Always listen and obey The heart of the river, or her counterpart, The heart of the forest.
Failing to obey any of those rules, is punished by expulsion, of the individual or tribe, depending on the reason for the offence.


River heart has a small number of elite hunters, to enforce The heart of the river law. They are considered good hunters and legendary trackers. They will deal with hunting down anyone who breaks the law of the place.  

History with The redwood alliance

River heart and Forest Heart were not officially part of the alliance, as this settlement doesn't take sides on politics or alliances, but some tribes belonged to both groups. But with Entrelai menacing the The Frontier Forest as it has never done before, after the creation of the shadow government. The heart of the River decided to accept the people of the peninsula, associated with the council, as another forest tribe. Giving them both a route and some silver dragon braids for safe passage to the settlement.


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